Chapter 4: Makeovers and Motorbikes

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Elsa's POV
Again I woke up to the sound of an air horn.
"Wake up sleepy head!!", Anna shouted in my ear.
I slowly and sluggishly got out of bed.
"Remember we gotta look like nerds for school", Punzie said before leaving my room.
Yay, nerds.
I took a quick shower and when I came out of my bathroom, I picked out a nerdy sort of outfit.
A blue button up shirt with a black and white checkered skirt and black pumps. I spray dyed my hair to a light brown, put in green contacts and put on some fake glasses.
The girls came in my room and I looked at their outfits. Anna was wearing a green T-shirt with a pink mini skirt and black converse. She dyed her hair black, had brown contacts and fake glasses.
Punzie wore a pink tank top with a paint brush on it, a bright yellow skirt and some white flats. She dyed her very long hair red, and had blue contacts.
And Merida wore a white T-shirt with arrows all over it, Black skinny jeans and red combat boots. She dyed her untamed hair blonde, had gray contacts and fake braces.
"I hate this already", Merida groaned.
"Remember, we're doing this for Moana", Punzie said.
"Hey, where is Moana?", Anna asked.
We ran to Moana's room and found her looking through her closet.
She turned around shyly and asked us, "What do you wear to school, I've never been to a public school before", she said.
"Wait, Walt said that we had to dress as nerds, he never said anything about her", Anna said, a smile crawling on her face.
"How much time do we have before we have to be at the agency?", I asked smirking.
"20 minutes", Punzie said smirking also.
"What are you guys getting at?", Moana asked confused and slightly disturbed.
"MAKEOVER!!!", we said in unison.
Moana had a huge smile on her face.
"Okay, Punzie do hair, Anna do clothes, Mer do accessories and I'll do makeup", I directed as the girls scattered to redo Moana for her first day at real school.
20 minutes later
"Wow, I love it!", Moana exclaimed as she looked at herself in the mirror. Punzie straightened her once wavy hair and did a half up, half down style with a bun on top, and a rhinestone clip in the front. Anna picked out an ocean blue crop top, with a black leather skirt and black combat boots. Merida picked out medium sized hooped earrings, opal ring on her left pinky, a diamond one on her right middle finger, and a blue pendant around her neck with a wave inside. I did bronze eyeshadow, mascara, eyeliner, and clear lipgloss.
"Thank you guys so much, I owe you guys", Moana said gratefully.
"No you don't owe us anything", Anna answered back.
"What if I take us out to eat tonight?", Moana asked.
"DEAL!!", Mer and Anna answered at the same time. We all laughed.
"Okay, let's get to the agency", I said breaking up the dinner plans.
We got on our bikes and headed off to the agency.
Once we got there, we heard a lot of whistles from the guy agents and they were looking at Moana.
"Hey Elsa, I have that request you sent in done, it's downstairs", Dimitri said.
"Thanks Di, oh, meet Moana, the daughter of the president", I said pulling Moana forward.
"Hi, I'm Moana Morrison", she said extending her hand.
"Dimitri Green, pleased to meet you", he said before pulling her hand and kissing it.
Moana blushed and smiled at him.
"Okay, thanks for the request Dimitri, I'm sure Moana will love it", I said looking at Moana who looked at me confused as to what I was talking about.
We walked the rest of the way to Walt's office and knocked before entering.
"Ahh if it isn't my favorite girls come in, come in", Walt said happily.
"Walt this is Moana, Moana this is Walt Disney, a father figure to us and owner of the company", Anna said introducing the two.
"Pleased to meet you sir", Moana said extending her hand for him to shake.
He shook her hand and smiled.
"Now Moana, I know you know about Pitch, so I want you to be extra cautious when out in public. Pitch can kidnap you at any time, we've been trying to catch him for months, but to no avail."
Walt went on about how in case Moana needs us, she is to press the gem on the ring that is now on her left index. We said our goodbyes to Walt and left his office. On our way out, Moana was stopped by Dimitri, who said that he hoped she would like the thing that I had him design for her. She said she would and said bye to him.
She walked back up to us and smiled as she did so.
"So, is he single?", Moana asked being funny.
We all laughed and we told her yes. A big smile crept up on her face. We got off the elevator and I rushed over to the spot where Dimitri said it was and I start to push it into the light.
Moana's POV
I saw Elsa pushing something in the darkness into the light and boy did my jaw drop when I saw it. It was a motor bike, like the ones the girls had. It had light orange light up strips on the bottom and an ocean wave decal on the side. "Is this mine?", I asked pointing to the bike.
"It sure is", Elsa said tossing the keys to me.
I was appalled, I ran over and gave Elsa a huge hug, repeating thank you.
"You'll have to thank Dimitri then, too, he spent all night working on this for you", Anna chirped up.
He did this for me? Wow, he's such a great guy.
"Ready to take it for a spin?", Mer asked.
"Hell Yeah!!", I answered back ecstatic.
The girls laughed and got on their bikes as we headed for school. Let this Hell fest begin.

Dimitri - Anastasia
Anastasia is also another great movie. It's based on real events, but it's still a funny and cute movie. I recommend watching it.
Sorry for the short chapters, I was on a camping trip and I was barely able to write.

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