Chapter 19

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You stretch your arms out as you wake up and immediately pull them in because of the pain. You wince and you see Yoongi run up to you.

"You okay?" He asks concerned.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just hurts a little." You respond.

It's strange to not be wondering where you are and when your next chance of escape will be. It's almost like it's refreshing.

You were in that place for at least a good few months if not more. Maybe you should ask someone.

A nurse walks in with some papers and you turn your head away from Yoongi to look at her.

"Okay, (Y/N), we're going to discharge you now. Your dad's outside signing some papers and we're going to get you ready to go now."

My dad. I'm going to go home. [a/n~ :)] The thought brings a smile to your face. It's almost hard to believe that you can continue with your life again. Everything will be normal. Normal. The word, even though it's so common, it still sounds so strange to you.

"Okay, thank you," you reply with a slight smile. The nurse smiles back as she helps you out of bed and into a wheelchair.

Yoongi grabs your hand and pushes your wheelchair with his other hand. You look at your surroundings as Yoongi follows the nurse while pushing you.

You go to the lobby and you immediately break out into a large smile. Your dad notices you and immediately runs over.

He stops when he notices Yoongi and raises his left eyebrow.

You laugh as he hugs you gently. You notice that Yoongi stepped back and almost looks scared.

"What's your name, son?" Your dad asks Yoongi.

"Min Yoongi, Sir."

"Min Yoongi," he mumbles as he pinches his bottom lip in thought.

"Where have I heard that name before?" He asks quietly in question.

"He was my prom date a few years back," you answer as you look back and forth between your Dad and Yoongs.

"Ah, I see," he says while giving Yoongi the look.

"Let's go home, shall we?" Your father asks as he looks at you.

"Yeah," You respond.

Yoongi's aunt retrieves him and he squeezes your hand before letting it go.

As you're being led out of the hospital, you realize you have no way to contact Yoongi. You have no idea where he lives or any contact numbers.


Your smile fades as you're lifted and placed gently into the car by your dad. You need to see Yoongi again. You can't lose him.

Taehyung's POV

You go outside to water your mom's flowers and decide to sit down on a bench. You hug your legs and allow yourself to get lost in thought.

It's so weird being home. You have no idea what to do about the whole "Jikook" situation. Yes, you made them a ship name, but just to make it easier to talk about them.

You hear a bush shuffle and immediately jump. You sit still for a minute before looking at the bush. There's a small white envelope sitting on top of it.

You stand up quickly and get a head rush, but that doesn't stop you.

You walk up to the bush quickly and grab the letter.

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