Chapter 7

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Jimin's POV

You open your eyes as you feel a throbbing pain in your head. You groan and roll over as you find yourself face to face with none other than Hoseok. (No, they're not gonna be gay lol)

You stare at him until you decide you're bored. You pinch his under chin with your index finger and thumb and wiggle it until his eyes flutter open.

"Hey! What was that f—" He pauses as he looks around the room.

"Uh, where are we?"

"I have no idea."

"Where are the others?"

"I have no idea."

Hoseok glares at you as you get up laughing a bit. You stand up and look around yourself. It's pretty bland room but there's a bathroom, desk, large bed, and what you assume is a closet.

You open up the door and you're immediately proven right. On one side of the closet, there are a bunch of blue shirts and black jeans, and on the other side, there are even more blue shirts but instead of black jeans, there are blue jeans.

You decide that the side with the blue jeans will be your's and you walk out of the closet.


You're sitting at the desk writing in one of the notebooks when you hear a noise outside the door. You run over the door and see that there are two trays of food being slid under the door.

You hear Hoseok coming up behind you still on the bed and you look up at him.

"Think we can trust it?" You laugh as you grab a tray.

Hoseok jumps off the bed and grabs one too. You both put the food on the desk and pick up a sandwich.

It's ham and cheese but pretty good considering the fact that you haven't had food in a while. After finishing the sandwich, you grab a bag of potato chips and eat it pretty fast.

Hoseok does the same but he's way slower. You find a bunch of water bottles on the floor by the desk and you grab one. After taking a few sips, you sigh and lay back down on the bed.

"So, I guess this is life now." You say as you close your eyes and enter the dream world.

Namjoon's POV

"Ughhhhhhhhhhh," you groan as you wake up. You roll around a bit trying to go back to sleep when you finally notice you aren't on a gray floor anymore. Instead, you're on a nice large bed.

You turn around to see Jin looking at you. You raise an eyebrow as you sit up.

"Can't keep your eyes off me, huh?" You flash him a quick smile (Yeah they're gonna be gay xD) and sigh as you look around the small but well-lit room.

It's a pretty small room, bigger than the gray room of course, but you'll take it. You were stuck in there so long that it'll be nice to get out. Change of scenery.

There are two doors and you can see that one leads to a bathroom. The other you don't know. Next to the unknown door is a desk with a chair in front of it.

To the left of the bed is another gray metal door with a fair bit of room between the floor and bottom of the door.

As if right on cue, two trays of food are slid under the door. There is a sandwich and a bag of chips on both trays. You stare at it for a second and pick up the trays.

You hand one to Jin and place your tray on the desk. You sit down and pick up the sandwich.

"I'm pretty sure you meant you couldn't keep your eyes off me. I am Worldwide Handsome after all." Jin brags.

He gave himself that nickname as a freshman and you guess that he liked it so much that he kept it.

You grab the sandwich and take a bite. It's bland but better than nothing. After finishing the sandwich, you grab the bag of chips and open it.

You can almost smell all the grease as you pick one up and eat it.

Jin hands you a water bottle he found next to the desk and you down it in a few seconds.

You sit on the bed and lean against the head board. Jin make his way to the bed and sits against the headboard as well.

You both, like it was planned, turn around meaning to glance at each other, but instead you end up staring into his eyes.

You don't know how long this lasted but you couldn't help fall in love with his dark eyes. You saw some emotion in his eyes you couldn't explain.

You start laughing and so does Jin. When he starts, you only laugh harder because of his windshield wiper laugh.

You both laugh until your stomachs hurt and you lay down.

After catching your breath, you hear Jin say something. It immediately makes your eyes widen and heart begin beating a thousand beats per second.

"I think I love you." (Cringey but I'm not original sooooo)

(Slight "smut" warning... it's not too bad just kissing i guess lol)
You turn onto your side and look at him and then at his lips. (CRINGE BUT GO WITH IT OK)

You sit up a bit and scoot towards Jin still keeping eye contact as he also moves closer.

"I know what you mean," is all you say before you smash your lips against his. (Go with it and leave me alone I'm tired)

You end up making out for a while. (Istg if y'all (hehe) make me feel embarrassed about this part...) It just feels so right as you rub his back and he runs his fingers through your hair.

You smile as you pull away. Breathing heavily you stare into his beautiful eyes with an intense look.

(Kiss scene ends here)

You hug him and and pull the blankets over your arms and stay there for so long. It's so nice and natural that you never want to leave his arms. Ever.

After a while you notice that Jin fell asleep. In your arms. You chuckle and grin as you slide out of his limp arms to go take a shower. You turn on the water and let the warmth embrace you.

When you get out you wrap a towel around your waist and brush your teeth. You exit the bathroom and hear Jin snoring a bit. You smile and open the door you believed was the closet.

There were two sides to the closet. On one side there were green shirts with black jeans. On the other there were green shirts with blue jeans.

You take a shirt from the blue jeans side and slip it on.

You exit the closet and slide back into bed, wrapping your arms around Jin. He doesn't move so you know he's still asleep. You kiss his head as you drift off to sleep.

Author's Note: so yeah don't make fun of me for my kissing scenes I've never written one before lol. Anyways sorry this was short even though I combined two point of views. I know it was probably boring to hear the same thing over and over again but I did try to reword it. Anyways next chapter will be more Yoongles and y/n so stay tuned lol that sounds so cringey. Make sure to vote on this story and have a lovely day (:

No Way Out ~ (Suga x Reader)✔️حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن