Chapter 14

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(Y/N)'s POV

You turn the doorknob to go downstairs but when you pull open the door, you're face to face with a concrete wall. The door leads to nowhere. You're not actually in your room. This wasn't a dream.

It's the exact same thing you've been going through, except this time, you're in a room that looks just like your own room.

It's almost like all these rooms are stages. Pieces of this huge test you're being put through. For some unknown purpose.

You can't help but smile. Everyone was real. Even Yoongi.

You also can't help but be extremely confused. Why do they keep putting you in different rooms?

You have to admit to yourself. You miss your family.

Your family.

Crap. How long have you been gone? Do they think you're dead? Did they give you a funeral?


Everyone probably thinks you died.

You sit down on your bed and cry again. It's not like anyone else is watching.

Why do they need you? Poor Namjoon. He's been stuck for a long time. Living in captivity. His whole family probably moved on...


You will escape.

The thought gives you a jolt of something. Energy. You will find the others and escape out of this hell hole.

You wipe away your tears and stand up circling around the room.

Your fury almost builds up as you think about everything you've been through.

You channel all your anger into your hand and clench your fist until your knuckles turn bright white and punch the wall so hard.

It turns out the wall is quite thin. You punched a hole straight through it. You keep punching and punching the wall.

Even though the pain blossoming in your knuckles hurts, you smack the wall over and over again making a huge hole.

It was almost like a way of relieving all the anger that swelled up within you. You were mad. Furious. You want to go back to your life.

Some random person took your life from you and you're gonna get it back. No more living in captivity.

You're fired up. Your eyes are slammed shut to prevent any tears from escaping your eyes. No more tear-stained cheeks.

Eventually, there was a huge gaping hole in the wall. You didn't notice it at first. You were so wrapped into your thoughts.

A hand wraps around your wrist and tries to restrain you. Your eyes shoot open and it takes a minute for you to adjust to the light. Before you can, someone presses their lips against yours.

You pull back in shock.

What the—

You stare at him in the eyes. Yoongi. You stare into his eyes and then kiss him again. More passionately.

He steps through the hole in the wall and pushes you onto your bed. He lays himself down and continues to kiss you.

He kisses down your neck and all over your face as you run your fingers through his hair.

This is what you want. You want a life. And Yoongi. This is what's being taken from you.

You continue to kiss Yoongi as all the thoughts in your heads turn to mush.

No Way Out ~ (Suga x Reader)✔️Where stories live. Discover now