Chapter 10

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Jungkook's POV

You wake up in your room and figure that you must've fallen asleep. You can hear Tae shuffling around in bed. You groan into your soft pillow as you shove your face into it.

Tae begins shuffling again but this time it seems panicked.

"Uh, where am I?"

Wait. That's not Tae.

You slowly turn around to see the source of the voice and you see Jimin sitting in Tae's spot.

You stare at him with wide eyes as you shake your head.

"I have no idea."

You sit up in the bed and groan as you get a head rush on top of a throbbing headache. Jimin is looking at you with wide eyes.

Where's Tae?

You raise an eyebrow at him and get out the bed. You look around the room. It's an exact replica of your previous one. You shrug as you walk into the bathroom. You decide to take a shower.

You turn on the water and wait for it to warm up. You step into the shower and let the warm water and steam smother you.


You exit the shower and the mirror is completely fogged up. You wipe it down and stare at your reflection. You look at all your imperfections and then wash your face with cool water. After that, you brush your teeth and exit the bathroom.

When you step out a rush of cold air hits you by surprise and suddenly you hear a noise. You jump slightly and your towel falls down to your feet. Jimin stares at you with wide eyes and then begins laughing. (He saw the Jungcock I mean why wouldn't he)

You scramble to get your towel as Jimin keeps laughing... and staring.


"Shit," you mumble as you pull your towel back up. You glare at him and open the closet door. Instead of red shirts, there are blue ones. You look at them for a minute before changing.

You walk out of the closet to see Jimin at the door picking up two styrofoam boxes. The whole room is filled with a pleasant smell.

He sets the boxes on the desk and opens one. It's simple American-Chinese food. Good enough. You take the other box and open it.

After you've taken a few bites, Jimin says, "Have to admit, I wasn't disappointed by what I saw."

You choke on your food as you look at him in horror.

Holyyyy crap.

Jimin's POV

No, I don't like Jungkook. That's impossible. I'm not gay. He likes Tae anyways. But what if-- No, you don't like Jungkook.

You didn't realize you were staring at him until he asks if you're okay. You shake your head no and you look down at his lips and then back at his eyes.

He looks confused and he tries to speak before you do the unthinkable. You kiss a boy. Are you gay?

You press your lips to his and you can feel his shock even though begins to kiss back. You keep the kiss going as you go onto the bed laying yourself on top of him.

No Way Out ~ (Suga x Reader)✔️Where stories live. Discover now