Chapter 5

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"Okay, so does someone want to tell me where I am?" You ask looking around

"You see, the thing is, none of us really know. We've all been through the same thing of being kidnapped and brought here. Just like you." Hoseok says in a more serious voice.

Out of the corner of your eye, you see Taehyung whisper to Jungkook (Should I make Taekook a thing in this book? Lol).

"Okay so then what did Jimin mean by 'run out of time' earlier?" You ask.

"That's where it gets weird. Let's just start from the beginning, Namjoon?" Jimin glances at his friend until he comes over to stand in front of me.


After they all finish telling their stories (except Yoongi in which Namjoon told you his story instead) you look at them almost in a shocked way. They really did go through the exact same thing. You can't believe how long Namjoon has been there. Trapped within these gray walls.

All the boys had given their stories as to how they were kidnapped. Interesting enough, they were all kidnapped during school dances.

"But that's not it," Taehyung says quietly.

You look at him as do all of the other boys.

"Tae!" Jimin shouts.

"Hey, I want to know what Tae's talking about. I want to know what you meant by us running out of time. I need information."

Taehyung sighs as Jin gives him a disapproving look, "It happened about nine or ten months ago."

Finally, I'm getting valuable information. Thank god for Taehyung.

"We were all just sitting here writing in our notebooks when suddenly for the first time, the door opened," Tae begins, "we didn't know what was going on as it had never happened before."

After Tae said that you notice Yoongi glance at Namjoon.

"A man walked in. He was around the age of forty. He had a stern look on his face as he closed the door making sure we couldn't run out. He then announced, and I quote, 'As soon as we obtain our key to this mission, a girl name Mun (Y/N), you will be moved onto your next task'. We didn't know what it meant, but it was the first time we ever saw someone behind this torture." Tae said.

"Wow," is all you manage to say, "what does he mean by 'key to this mission'?"

"We don't kn--" Jimin began to say but he was cut off by the room suddenly going dark. After that, things went blank."

??? Point of View

You walk in the hallways. After "Mr. Kim" finally captured (Y/N), we had a few things to clean up, but nonetheless, we were ready.

It was time for stage two. Isolation.

The point of this was to contain two people per each room to see how they react. Every month we would switch around who would be with who.

It's good to know who gets along and who doesn't.

You walk to the door and press a button to the right, turning off all the lights. You press the button under that to ensure they're all knocked out until they're in their next room.

No Way Out ~ (Suga x Reader)✔️Where stories live. Discover now