Chapter 3

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Chan Hee's Point of View (Past Tense)

You got out of there as fast as you could.

The second you heard a scream you turned around to see your literature teacher holding a gun. You gasped as you looked for the nearest exit.

Since Mr. Kim, or whoever that was, was guarding the way you came in, you looked around for the fire exit.

You spotted it across the gym and began running. You didn't try to make sure any of your friends were okay. If only you had.

You, along with most of the terrified students in the crowded gym, ran hastily to the exit, pushing everyone in the way.

No one mattered. The only thing that concerned everyone was getting out of the building.

When you finally reached the exit, you pushed your way through the crowd going immediately to your car parked in the student parking lot.

You didn't know where your literature teacher was and you didn't want to know. The only thing concerning you on that dark night was getting the hell out of there.

You grabbed your keys from your handbag and unlocked your car. As you opened the door to your old blue jeep, you took a minute to catch your heavy breath and slow down your pounding heartbeat.

Your throat was dry as you sat down in the driver's seat in front of the wheel.

Most students were already in their cars leaving as you turned the key starting your car up. You sighed heavily and closed your eyes tightly shut for a few seconds as you heard another scream.

You slowly pressed down on the gas. Moving your wheel constantly, you drove your car around the parking lot to get out. You figured that you should just drive to your parent's house an hour away.

The next day was cleaning day so you figured you'd just go back to your dorm first thing tomorrow morning to clean everything up.

You had decided to move away to college to get away from your parents. There was nothing wrong with them, you just needed a break.

Getting away had done you some good. You changed a lot, but it was for the better that you did.

As you were finally pulling out of the long line of cars, you glanced back. The whole parking lot was empty or waiting in line except for one car.

You immediately recognized the license plate. It was (Y/N)'s car. You stared at it for a good 10 seconds before another car blocked your view.

You hoped that (Y/N) was okay and just hitched a ride with another student.

You were so wrong.

Mr. Kim's Point of View (Present Tense)

All that mattered was making the boss happy. You needed the girl and that's all that mattered.

You had spent the past what seemed like 100 years teaching to round up the other seven. You were almost done with your task.

Once she was obtained, the boss would be happy and the mission could finally continue on.

You're still in your classroom staring at you last paper needing grading. You don't bother to look through it. You take your red pen and write 100 at the top and circle it.

You straighten out the pile of papers and set them to the side. You look to your left as you slowly pick up the key sitting there.

You turn it around in your hands before putting it in the key slot to the inside of your desk.

No Way Out ~ (Suga x Reader)✔️Where stories live. Discover now