Chapter 12

162 11 47

Yoongi's POV

Your eyes dart open.


A horrible pain throbs in your head and your shoulder.

Where am I?

You're basically in a small version of the past two rooms you've been in. Strange.

You get up and jump when you hear someone banging on the wall, causing you to wince from shoulder pain.


What in the world... why do you need to check the doorframes?

You walk over to the doorframe of the closet and examine it.

This doorframe must be important. If it wasn't, why I would be told to look at it?

You run your hand down the unevenly painted white doorframe. The pain in your shoulder throbs and hurts as your arm bends. It must've been from the gun.

When you reach the bottom of the doorframe, you notice a little piece of paper stuck in the little corner between the wall and very helpful doorframe.

You use your fingernails to carefully take out the piece of paper.

It reads, "Carpet square #1-Top left corner."


You look at the ground and see many carpet squares. To the left of the bed, there's a carpet square that appears to be the only one of its kind. You walk over to it and examine it.

It's blue with little designs in beige. You check the corner for more paper but then an idea strikes you.

Underneath the carpet.

You carefully peel up the carpet square revealing a trapped door underneath it with little indents on the top for your fingers.

This is the way out. You lodge your fingers in the indents and pull it up. There's a tunnel with a two-foot drop to get in.

You shrug and hop down. There's a light about four feet away so you take a few steps and see that there's a room on the exact opposite side of the wall.

You climb up and a hand reaches down to get you. Namjoon. You smile as you take it with your good arm and get onto solid ground and look at the room.

The walls have a glassy pale blue look to them and they seem to be translucent. It's a big room and there are little tunnels everywhere along the sides of the walls. Namjoon is the first one who found the room which makes sense. He's always been into knowing everything.

Namjoon's POV

You immediately know where to go after reading the paper. All those years of studying pay off. You walk over to the wall next to the bed and begin investigating a blue carpet square. You get the idea to peel it so that's what you do.

You carefully lift up the corner of the carpet and prove your theory to be right. You're always right. You peel it up all the way and toss the carpet to the side.

You put your fingers in the small indents of the trapdoor and lift it up. When you do, you reveal a very small tunnel. It's not deep and not long.

You jump down into it and walk basically straight through the wall. You hop out of the tunnel at the other end and look at your surroundings. It's a huge room with a bunch of tunnel exits. They probably all lead to rooms like your own.

You assume that everyone will get here eventually, but you need to help them. You align yourself with a tunnel and bang on the wall.

You yell, "THE DOORFRAME!!"

No Way Out ~ (Suga x Reader)✔️Where stories live. Discover now