Chapter 9

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It's been weeks since you first kissed Yoongi. Things have been pretty good. It's shocking as you admit that to yourself. Things are good.

Most days were exactly the same. The same routine. There wasn't much to do locked up in a room, but you spent most of it doing something "productive" with Yoongi. (Oh get ur mind out of the gutter that's not meant to be dirty. *bellyache by fricking Billie Eilish plays* "MAYBE IT'S IN THE GUTTER WHERE I LEFT MY LOVER" ok leave me alone let me have my jamming session)

Today you woke up on a groggy feeling day and did the same things as you've been doing for what seems like about a month. If only you cherished that time more.


You look over at Yoongi when you first wake up. He's still sleeping peacefully so you get out of your warm bed and head to the bathroom.

You brush your teeth and wash your face. After that you brush your hair and just decide to leave it down.

When you're about open the door to leave the bathroom, Yoongi opens it first.

Crap, you forgot to lock it.

You laugh nervously as he grins at you and goes into the bathroom as you leave.

You go back into bed and get lost in your strange thoughts. There's been plenty of time to think these past few weeks.

Yoongi exits the bathroom and goes back into bed too. He sees you zoning out and hugs you from behind.

You jump a little, but then you both burst out into silent laughter. Through your smiles, he kisses you sweetly. It's been a normal thing. Dating Yoongi again and all.

??? POV

"Are we ready for the switch?"

"Yes, I believe so. It's been a month of observation and I believe that we've gotten the information that we need."

You look over your notes and decide it's time.

"Okay, I'm going to press these two buttons and you all know what to do, right?"

They nod their heads and you sigh as you press both buttons at the same time.

Yoongi's POV

You're hugging her close. You'll never let her go again. She means the absolute world to you. There's still so much you haven't done together. (*whispers* maybe it's in the gutter)

You kiss her back and bury your face in her soft hair. You could stay this way forever. Even if it meant you had to be soft.

Suddenly, things go black. You feel (Y/N) go limp in your arms. You're shocked at first but you sadly know what's going on. You're being moved. Away from (Y/N).

You're still confused as to why you haven't passed out unlike (Y/N). While thinking, you hear the door open and you're grabbed roughly by a sturdily built man.

You go limp as you're slung over his shoulder and you watch as another man picks up (Y/N). You wonder where they're taking you.


They've been carrying you for a while when you're finally brought into a room. It's identical to the one that you were in previously. The only thing different is that you're in the room with none other than Seokjin. (Eomma Jinnnn)

When the men who placed you two in the room are gone, you poke Jin until he wakes up.

"COME ON, MOM, GET UP ALREADY," you almost yell at him like it's Christmas morning.

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