Chapter 17

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Looks like you're not escaping today. A hand was placed around your mouth as you try to scream. Yoongi was grabbed by another man who stands next to the person carrying you.

You begin being dragged down the hallway along with Yoongi.

You try to bite the hand but you can't grip his tough calloused flesh. You spit on his hand and attempt to gross him out but it only ends up grossing you out. He has no reaction at all to your attempts to escape.

You suddenly get and idea. You take advantage of the man's strong grip on you to use your leg to kick as hard as you possibly can backward. Straight into his little person.

"What the fu— OH SHIT!" He yells as he drops you. You quickly scramble up and kick him again. Yoongi caught on and did the same thing to his guy. You beat them up and continue to kick them everywhere, crushing them on the ground. For some reason, you feel no guilt, only triumph.

You bend down and search their pockets. You find a black flip phone and steal it.

You look at Yoongi and he looks at you. He takes your hand and you begin running.

"What about the others!?" You yell to him.

"We'll come back for them, keep running!"

You open the phone and inspect it before putting it back into your pocket. Most likely a burn phone. You and Yoongi find the doors to get out and run to them.

You quickly try to open the door but it's locked. A wall of metal falls down behind you trapping you and Yoongi between a little room created by the metal wall and locked doors.

You quickly pull out the phone again without much thinking and call 911.

"911, what's your emer—"

You cut them off and speak fast.

"Hi, my name is Mun (Y/N), I'm trapped in a large mansion-like building in the middle of the woods. I'm not sure how far it is but there's a lake near it. I'm here with 7 other missing people but I'm not sure where they are. We've been tested and held in captivity for a long time now with no way to escape."

The metal wall suddenly slides up and you find yourself standing in front of a humongous group of people. You drop the phone mid-call. Your lips part in shock as Bang PD steps over to you.

"Hi, Yoongi, (Y/N), good to see you. This is my group of highly skilled and trained people. We call ourselves the Mafia."

You step back and grab Yoongi's hand.

"We captured you in attempt to get you to join our 'little' group. The goal was to test you and then wipe your memories and change them."

"Why us? Out of all people?" Yoongi asks with a rude tone.

"You proved yourselves. You all went through things that made you stronger. That made you valuable. To every 7 men, we have 1 female. It's a formula. We expect you to join as we've wasted many materials and time on you."

"We would never join," Yoongi says as his grip on your hand tightens.

"Imagine the possibilities. You saw this house. You'd be wealthy and happy. You could even date little (Y/N) here. I've seen what you two have done together."

You remember everything you have done as Yoongi has a pissed off look on his face.

"As I said, we'd never join, and neither would the rest of the people."

"Then I guess I'll just have to make you or kill you." Bang PD threatens.

He pulls a gun out of his pocket in exact synchronization with everyone standing in front of you.

"I hate you so much. Beyond words," Yoongi says through gritted teeth, "words could not describe my hatred towards you."

"Well, son, you'll just have to get over that."

Suddenly, a police siren rings in the distance. You can see the fear in Bang PD's eyes as he hears the siren blaring.

"You didn't--"

You smiled. Time to get the hell out of here. Hopefully, the police will find the others after you and Yoongi get out. Then, you can move on with your life. It almost excites you that you're going to have a normal life with Min Yoongi. You can go on dates, meet his family. He can meet your dad.

You turn and see police cars roll-up. You look back at Bang PD with a grin on your face. He for some reason also has a grin on his face.

"You know, Yoongi," he speaks, "I don't really need you to forgive me. I would actually rather you hate me."

You turn and look at Yoongi's face. It's full of confusion.

Suddenly, you hear a loud banging noise and you feel excruciating pain in your stomach. You know he shot you. The last thing you hear before passing out into the darkness is Yoongi screaming.

You're in darkness. There's no other way to describe it. The darkness goes on forever. A light shines off of your body giving you a way to see. You walk around the darkness and sit down. Suddenly everything fades into light. Is this dying?

You don't feel any pain. You look down at your side. There's no wound. You're in a simple white dress, but you're barefoot. You remember Yoongi. You don't want to let him go. You remember your dad and Chan Hee. You almost don't want to accept death just to see the look on their face when you return home alive.

Yoongi. You wonder if he's okay. You lay down in the light and a blue sky with puffy white clouds appears above you. You close your eyes and bask in the sun's warmth. Maybe dying isn't too bad. Everyone will join you eventually.

You open your eyes and you're in a field of flowers. They're so pretty and the grass is so soft. You turn around and you see a little town. You begin to head towards it.

When you get closer, you can hear laughing and excitement bubbling in the air. Hmm. You walk into the town. There's a large sign that says "Welcome!". You can smell delicious food wafting through the air.

You walk into a square where a large group of people is dancing and laughing.

"Hey! She's new!"

Everyone around you cheers as someone offers you a drink. You accept it as you ask a man a question.

"Hey, uh, where am I?"

"The town of Spectre, of course!"

Spectre? Isn't that a ghost?

Crap. Are you dead? Are you dying?

"Hey, don't worry about anything, you'll have fun here. You'll soon forget everyone from your life on earth. You'll even forget how you died."

So you are dying...

"Try the punch! It's amazing!" Another man says.

You take a sip of the drink. It tastes delicious and you can't even describe it. A minute later, you find yourself dancing with everyone else. Maybe dying isn't that bad. You feel no pain and hardly any sadness.

As you move your feet to the music, all your worries go away. You begin to let everything go.

I'm so sorry Yoongi.

Author's Note- Andddddd I'm sorry BUT I DID A DOUBLE UPDATE SO I DONT WANNA HEAR IT hehe... anywaysssssss I'm proud of myself for making this chapter today, but I'm sad that this book is almost over): I've been working on it for a little over a month... wow. I'm aiming for a little over 20 chapters, but I have another bts x reader in the works for after I finish this one.

Have a lovely day!

No Way Out ~ (Suga x Reader)✔️Where stories live. Discover now