Chapter 6

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Taehyung's POV

You wake up on a soft surface. It's nothing like the hard flooring of that gray and bland room. The whole time spent in that room was misery. Right now, you were in a nicer room laying in a bed.

You get up and look around to notice that you aren't alone. Lying on the bed is Jungkook. You're not complaining as you smile to yourself and look around the room.

There are two doors. You open one and see that it's a bathroom and when you open the other one, it's a closet with two sides. On one side, there are a bunch of matching pairs of red shirts and black jeans and on the other side, there are a bunch of matching pairs of red shirts and blue jeans. You claim the side with blue jeans as your own and continue looking around the room.

There's a desk with some paper and pencils sitting on it and in the drawer, there are more notebooks.

As you finish looking around the room, Jungkook wakes up. You're excited as he looks around groggily.

"Hyung... where am I?"

"I don't know, but it's nicer than the gray room we were in before." You shrug as you sit on the edge of the bed.

You've always felt a special connection with Jungkook. You guess that being the youngest makes you closer.

"Where are the others?" Jungkook asks.

"I don't know, Kookie, I assume they're in the same situation as us ." You say calmingly.

You don't know why you've always felt different towards Jungkookie, he just makes you feel excited inside.

You give Jungkook a reassuring smile as he gives you a slight smile.

Jungkook's POV

You wake up in a bed and you're staring at a blank wall in a well-lit room. You shuffle around when you see Tae looking at you. You ask him where you are and he says he doesn't know.

You're a bit upset that none of the others are there, but at least Tae Tae is... not to be gay or anything but Tae is special. He makes you feel special. But would it really be that bad if you were...

You push away the thought immediately as Tae sits on the edge of the bed and smiles at you. You weakly smile back as the thought comes rushing back.

Would it really be that bad? What if he feels the same way...?

You stare at Tae for a while and he doesn't notice because he's pulling his own Blank Tae.

"Hey, um, Tae?"


"C-can I ask you something?"

"What do you think about gay people?"

Taetertot's POV

"What do you think about gay people?"

Did Jungkookie seriously just ask you that? Does he feel the same way? All your excitement bubbles up as you respond, "I don't mind them. I'm all for it."

Hopefully, that was the right decision.

Jungkook's face almost lights up as you said that and you know that you said the right thing.

Suddenly, you hear movement outside your door. Two trays of food are slid under. You and Kookie look at each other. You both run to the food like children.

It's a great meal too. A ham and cheese sandwich and potato chips. (Ok I'm like making lil tae tae seem like a child because I'm imagining him really soft rn lol.. same thing with jk)

There are water bottles sitting on the floor next to the desk and you take one and drink the whole thing. You swear you heard Jungkook giggle as you did. (Ok yep these two are gonna be real softies)

You smile a bit as you set the empty water bottle down. You begin staring at Jungkook. You can't help it... he's so... cute?

Jungkookie's POV (I'm switching POV a lot oof)

Tae looks at me a lot. Is it because I look at him a lot? He's been pulling a lot of Blank Taes today...

You finish your meal and grab a water bottle as well. You couldn't help yourself but giggle when Tae downed the whole thing. The look on his face was so concentrated.

After you finish your water, you sit down on the chair in front of the desk. Tae had sat down on the bed and was picking at his fingernail when you begin speaking again.

"Uh, Tae?"


"I think I'm gay for you."

Tae chokes as he smiles at you and gets up out of the bed. He runs up to you and hugs you so tight. He's so warm it makes you smile. At first, you freeze, but then you hug back.

"I feel the same way, Kookie." He whispers in your ear.

You smile in his embrace as you both jump on the bed still hugging.

You cuddle for what seems like an eternity when Tae begins speaking.

"I didn't know what it was. I thought I just felt a strong connection to you, but I was wrong. I knew I liked you."

You smile as you nod and say, "Same."

You're so happy that you finally told Tae. You're also so happy that you were placed in the same room as him.

Tae Tae's POV

You can't believe it. Jungkook feels the same way. The second he said that you went over and hugged him. Kookie looked so happy that it warmed your heart. Finally, you didn't have to push your feelings aside.

It was a really normal day and you spent most of it hugging Kookie to be completely honest. He was so soft and cuddly that you never wanted to let go.

At night, you took a shower and found a toothbrush in a drawer that you used. (It was in a package like y/n's was don't worry lol)

When you left the bathroom Jungkook immediately went into the bathroom smiling at you on your way out.

You changed into one of the red shirts and hopped into bed. (wait isn't it jk's job to hop into bed?! *smacks brain*)

You wait until Jungkook comes out of the bathroom to fully wrap yourself up in the blankets. You have to admit to yourself though, he is really hot with wet hair and a towel wrapped around his waist.

He goes into the closet and comes out with a matching red shirt. He climbs into bed next to you and hugs you from behind.

You both end up sleeping like this. It feels so right.

Author's Noteeee- OK I ADDED TAEKOOK TO THIS STORY BECAUSE IT WAS NECESSARY AND I DON'T REGRET IT... ALSO... DOUBLE UPDATE? WHO AM I?? I SHOULD STOP TALKING IN CAPS Ok then sorry about that lol. Anyways, sorry if this chapter is super cringe... lol I can't help it but we needed taekook in this story fight me. And also taekook is mainly going to be fluff but I do have some smut planned (Ill include smut warnings lol it won't be too bad though incase my sister reads this) Also sorry this chapter is a bit short, I couldn't think of what to write. Anyways, make sure to vote on this story and have a lovely day!

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