Chapter 16

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Bang PD's POV

"There's a plan behind all of this and everything will be okay, son."

"I'm not your fucking son. Don't ever call me that again!" Yoongi yells at you.

"I get that you miss your mother, Yoongi, but I can't change what I did."

"No, you killed her and I will never do anything to help you. Ever."

You sigh and press your thumbs into your temples. So now you have to resort to plan b.

"Take him," you say casually as two men come and take Yoongi out of the room.

You stand up to open a door and (Y/N) stumbles out.

"Well, darling, we meet once again," you say.

She scowls as you help her up. You sit at your desk and open a drawer.

You pick up a syringe and turn to (Y/N). Her eyes widen as she tries to escape by running to the door.

"There's no helping this. We need you."

You walk up to her and inject her. She mumbles something under her breath before the serum takes over.

Yoongi's POV

He asked me for forgiveness. Ha. Like I'd forgive him for everything he told me. Everything he did to me. The fact that he killed my mom.

You run your fingers along the white scars on your arms. You almost forgot about them, but seeing your father made you remember that time.

You don't know whether you regret the scars. You kind of like them. They remind you of your reasons for cutting. You sigh as you look up from your left arm.

He looks a lot different. You didn't recognize him until you got a closer look. You never wanted to see him again. You pushed his image out of your mind. He shot you. Recently. You're nowhere near forgiveness.

The men threw you in the first room you were in. You don't mind because it's pretty big.

You sit on the edge of the bed lost in thought when none other than (Y/N) walks in.


You run up and hug her.

"I'm so glad you're here there's so much we need to talk about and—"

She cuts you off with a kiss. It's drawn out but there's no passion in it or anything. She pulls away and speaks with a stern look on her face.

"I think you should forgive your father."

You choke, "What? Why would I ever do that? Don't you know what he's done to me? Did you not care or listen to a word I said? (Y/N) he ruined me. He broke me. And now you're asking me to forgive him?!"

She stares at you for a second.

"Yeah, he's your father. You should forgive him no matter what."

How can she say these things? Does she not understand that this is an extremely sensitive topic?

"(Y/N), even though you mean everything to me, you can be kind of stupid sometimes and that really makes it hard."

She just stares.

"Please, forgive him for me. If you actually loved me you would."

"No, and don't ever talk to me again about this. I'm done. I can't be with someone who drugs me or tells me to forgive my abusive father who killed my mom. Like, seriously? What's up with you? I thought you understood me, but I guess not. I'm done (Y/N), we're over. So please, just don't even say anything and stop talking to me."

No Way Out ~ (Suga x Reader)✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora