♪Chapter 12♪- Double or trouble Date

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we are now in a bench waiting for.Sehun and Yoona .I wonder where are they now ,we are waiting here for almost an hour .and this monkey with us looks like annoyed already ..

"Where are they now? We've been waiting them for an hour!!" He complain

"will you shut up!!!nobody invite you here ..so stop complaining you shameless monkey" I scolded him,psh can he just back to his cell where all his slave are .. what an annoying monkey

"What did you say?" He shouted as he stand and look at me ..I grins at him and said "I said you Shameless monkey!"


"Guys will you cut it out,you two always fighting eversince we left from the dorm" the electric gazes we shared to each other was cut when Kai spoke,the monkey and i look at Kai and smiled at him simultaneously

"heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey" Sehun shouted as he wave from distance ,finally they are here already .They walk towards us and greet ..

"Where have you been? We've waiting here for almost an hour ?" i asked

"Mianhe Geurim,Yoona is really slow she even having a hard time to chose what she should wear" Sehun Explain ,Yoona suddenly went infront of us and spoke

"what are you doing ?" the monkey asked because Yoona start to make a weird position again ..oh well i'm used to it now ,so i'm not surprised ..i'm sure she will speak with her poem-like words..here it comes

"You know ,A girl's first date must be memorable..you have to be pretty for the guy you will dating ,you should be prepared, you should be wi-----------"

"Okay that's enough" I cut her peom-like sentence like what i used to..Infairness if these two will ended up together i'm sure ,people will call them the weirdo couple

"Wait What is Baekhyun doing here?" Sehun asked

"any problem?"

"oh nothing ^_^" Sehun smiled but it looks he's scared of this stupid idiot ..Look ..his knees are shaking

"that's Enough ..come on !" They followed after Kai grabbed me..do this President will really join with us ? Isssh what a disturbance


Author's P.O.V

"Hey Move aside!!!" Cielo whispered as she stepped between Dhalia and Casey whose using Binoculars to Spy on Baekhyun after they found out about the double date ,They were hiding at the back of the garden

"Will you shut up !We can't here them !" Dhalie complained

"I can't believe it !That miss no Star is with our Baekhyun oppa ..and even with Kai "-Casey

"what does she have ,that we don't have ?"- Dhalia

"hey let me see!!let me see!" Cielo steal Dhalia's binocular and look at them "Arrrgh damn that Miss no Star!" She shouted with irritate voice

"hey!What are you doing there?" someone shouted and they runaway when that guy is walking angry towards them ,It was the gardener that guarding the plants that's why









My Best Frienemy(Exo-Baekhyun) |EXO Series Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz