I felt my jaw drop as I stared back at her, speechless.

"Thats why I wanted you here, to ask you in person.. But I couldn't think of a more capable, compassionate and inspiring woman to be there for them if anything were to happen to me." She explained.

"By capable she means rich." Her mother tapped me.

"Thats not true."

"Its okay, I would love to be the godmother of your kids." I smiled.

"Are you looking for someone? Because I have a son wh-"

"I am happily engaged. And otherwise gay.. so I will have to pass on your offer." I interrupted.

"Mom, can you stop trying to shake her down for money?"

"You're gonna let a lesbian raise my grandkids?!"

"Don't worry, I won't be raising them.. because I would never let anything happen to Vanessa." I assured her, "and my fiancé is a man by the way.. so you needn't worry about that either."

"You don't have to just accept whatever she says.. she needs to learn that the things she has said to you since the moment we got in here have been extremely insensitive and disrespectful." Vanessa scolded me.

"Its not my job to change people's views. If she wants to view me as the villain, fine. My actions will always speak louder than my words." I shrugged.

"So now you're gonna go against your own mother for this woman?" Her mom put her hands on her hips.

"You know, I'm kinda glad Aubrey's mom hated me so much before. Now I'm like numb to the idea of older women disliking me." I said to Vanessa.

"That doesn't excuse her behavior"

"Do you realize that you'll be going home with two little blessings? And you wanna sit and argue over whether or not my feelings should be hurt.. priorities babe." I scolded.

"Is labor really as bad as people say?" Vanessa asked.

"Its even worse." I nodded."but they are soo worth it!"

"That is not what you tell someone who is about t-"

"Why not? Its the truth.. and its not like she can change her mind." I cut her off. I turned to Vanessa, "unsurprisingly, both times I definitely had a few moments where I would've given anything to rewind and not have to go through with it.. especially with the triplets. But as you know, i love my babies so freaking much and would never trade them for the world."

"Thanks for not sugarcoating." She smiled slightly.

"When have you ever known me to sugar coat anything?"

"Which is why you're the perfect person to raise them if needed. You know, have experienced and have seen so many of the hardest things in this life... so not only can you rightfully sympathize, but you will always tell it how it is." She told me. As she spoke I was instantly reminded of the note Anita's sister had left me. I guess hearing it from two different people, made me start to accept it a little more. I remembered having to explain to Zoe about her mother's death, I remember finding Zoe so obliviously there in that house alone without even knowing it. How much she reminded me of myself at that age... and for the slightest moment there was a sharp pain in my stomach at the thought of how much I needed Zoe to be UNlike me. Because when I lost my parents, all of my family soon followed.. and for Zoe, that would make Anita next. And- none of us could handle that.. Aaliyah being the only one of my kids to have felt a deep lost.. and I can't bear having to watch someone who has built a relationship with not only Lydia, but OJ and Aaliyah, and myself... I couldn't-

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