part 56

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<<<<<Time skip>>>>>

Right now, I'm sitting in an armchair with my legs dangerling over the side, a sketchpad in my lap, and I'm drawing.

While Nik is painting his feelings away.

My brother is back and I haven't seen or heard from him. No call or text.

Rebekah comes around the corner, but she seems off. She is walking lightly, her poster is straight and more elegant than usual, and she has a straight face.

Stopping painting, Nik say "what took you so long?"

"He didn't want to hand over the stake. Luckily, I'm quite the charmer." She says, but I can't help but feel like it isn't her.

I continue to draw as the two speak. I stop and look at my picture to see that it was a face. Half with Rebekah and the other half has...

Something clicks. I'm my head, and I quickly close my sketch pad and walk quickly to catch up with Rebekah.

She is walking outside the house, and then vamp speeds away. A sight escapes my lips, and I follow her to Ric's. She hasn't entered yet, just waiting outside.

"Amethyst. What are you doing here. I thought you were drawing?" She asks.

"Well, I wanted to speak to you. About a boy." I randomly come out to her.

"Yeh, what's wrong?" She asks.

"Well, I may have feelings for Stefan but I know your history, with him cheating on you and everything." I say, seeing if I could catch her out.

We enter the building. "Oh yeh, I'm over it. Go ahead." She replies, and my face drops.

"See, the thing is, he didn't. And I know you are NOT Rebekah. Easter." I seethe her name.

Her face hardens, and I quickly go to the door, but before I know it, I'm being pinned to the wall by Rebekah or Easter.

"What gave it away?" She asks sternly .

"I'm just very observant." I say and twist her arm and run to the door. She vamp speeds in front of me and says, "I was hoping it wouldn't come to this, but..."

And I feel a horrible pain in my stomach. Looking down, i see a wooden stake. I am able to mutter the word 'crap' before I drop to the floor in pain. She cups my face, and before I know it, a pain shocks my body, starting from my neck, followed by a snap. I'm engulfed by darkness.


My eyes slowly open, and I look around, and there are coffins in the room. Hearing voice, I turn my head to see Rebekah dagger herself.

Shocked, I quickly vamp speed to the door,I needed to get out, but before I can open it, I hear a high pitch noise that causes me to clutch my head.

Falling to my knees, I let out an ear piercing scream, and the noise stops. Easter and Ric drop to their knees, so I stand up and go over to them.

My hands and arms enflame. I lift up one hand, and it creates a circle around Easter. This prevents her magic.

"Don't hurt me, child. You need me." She pleeds.

"And why should I believe you?" I question in disbelief.

Suddenly, I feel a pain in my back. I start to become light-headed, and a sick feeling forms in my stomach.

All the fire in the room disappeared, and I slowly fell into a pair of strong arms behind me.

A figure stands in front of me. A gentle but rough hand lifts my head up, making me look into her now blurrie eyes. "Because you are too powerful for this earth." She let's go of me and looks up to the person behind me and tell .huck her up to a supply of vrevain and wolfspain. It should keep her suduced until we need her."

I'm placed on the floor, and moments later, I see Ric kneeling next to me, and it looks like he has some hospital equipment. He stabs my arm with a needle attached to a rubber tube, leading to a glass bottle with vrevain and wolfspain inside it.

At first, it burns. I open my mouth to screem, but a hard hand is forced on the top of my mouth. Looking to see who it was, it was Easter, on the other side of me.

I meet eyes with her for a couple of seconds before my eyelids become heavy.

"It's ok, my child, sleep. You will be ok when I'm finished with you. Everything will be how it should be. The balance will be restored. " I hear her say, and reluctantly, my eyes close.


I gain the strength to open my eyes to see I'm not in Alaric's apartment anymore. I look to my side to see Ric and Easter standing face to face with a wooden stake in her hand.

Easter looks at me and places the stake down and goes over to the side, and picks up a gold dagger. Ric picks me up and carries me over to the bowl. Easter roughly grabes my hand and pulls my hand so my plan is up, then slices my palm open.

I wince at the pain, but due to the amount of vrevain and wolfspain, it isn't healing. She holds my wrist over the bowl and lets the blood drop. He drops me to the floor, and Easter mutters a spell, and my blood floats in the air and makes its way over the dagger.

I gather all my strength and take out the needle and vamp speed back to the bording house.

I go to the basement and have a couple of blood bags. I feel myself getting better, stronger. I change my clothes and then call Stephan.




"Hello. Amethyst, we have been wondering where you have been all day."

"I'm sorry, I was kidnapped by Easter the phshyco witch. Where are you?"  I say annoyed, making my way out of the house.

I'm at the dance. Are you ok. Did she hurt you?" Concern is laced in his voice.

"Yeh, I'm ok. Nothing, I can't handle. You can't get out Easter has spelt you all in. Can you tell Nik please, I'll be there soon."

"Ok, be careful."

The phone line dies. I make my way to the school to see Nik and Stephan.

Nik looks at me with relief  "Thyst, thank god you are ok."

Before I can say anything, I feel a horrible pain in my heart. I put my hand over it, but I noticed my hand was dececating.

"Nik. Stephan." I wisper in fear and pain before my whole body has desiccated.

----third person pov-----

Klaus vamp speeds at the barrier to get to his precious little Banshee but is abruptly stopped by the spell made by his mother. Frustrated, he walks over to a guy on his own and compels him to carry Amethyst's body to him.

The student does. Proactively, Klaus picks up the girls dedicated body and walks inside with a worried Stephan next to him.

The two boys enter a classroom with Damon, Jamie, Bonnie, and Jeremy in it. As they enter, eyes are on them.

Klaus places Amethyst gently on a table and stands looking at Bonnie. Stefan leanes on the table and holds her hand to comfort her even though she doesn't feel it. It is like she is daggered.


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