part 33

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The young girl slowly opened her eyes and raised her hand to her head, swinging her legs over the side of the bed she was lying in, she notices her surroundings were unfamiliar. Hearing a noise, she looks up to see Katherine with a worried expression painted all over her face. Not understanding why she attempts to stand up off the bed but her legs give way and she falls. Before she could hit the ground, a paire of arms quickly wrapped around her waist.

Looking at the person who cought her, she is met with a pair of brown eyes that were almost identical to Elana's. Helping the young girl stand Katherine's and Amethyst's attention was cought by a precence at the door.

Alaric's voice, which was enfuced with a thick English accent, says, " Oh, good. You are awake."

Amethyst gives him a confuced look, but before she could say anything, Katherine protectively stood in front of her.

"Now, this is a sight. The girl who uses everyone willingly protects a young girl. Now, what if we remove you from the equation."

And with that, Katherine was thrown and stuck to a wall with magic, unable to move. The worlock steps forth. Due to Katherine being stuck to a wall, the young girls legs give way again, and she falls to the ground. As soon as her knees and palms hit the floor, the voices start shouting and screeming at her. Unable to take the noices anymore, the young brunette cluckes her head.

"NO! Just leave her out of all of this. AME foucus on my voice. Come on, you will get through this." Katherine says.

Alaric gestgers his hand to Katherine, saying 'stop' and moving towards the girl on the floor.

He calmly says, "Come on, love, just screem. It will make it all better."

"No.. I ..I can't.." she stutterst still hearing the yelling and screeming.

Alaric gently gets his hand and places it under her chin and lifts it up so they are now looking eye to eye.

Standing up and taking a step back, Alaric couriously looks at the girl. She starts taking deep breaths. Suddenly there was an ear piercing screen, the screen shook everything in the whole building. Getting back into his presition infrount of her, he lifts up her chin and looks at her teary eyes. She closes her eyes, and a single tear falls down her face as she swallows a lump. Wiping it away with his thumb on his other hand, he looks up at Katherine, only to see a worried and sad expression on her face. She truly did care about her.

Helping the girl up, Alaric brings her into the main room and helps her sit down on the coach. She sits down and curls up into a loose ball on the couch. Moments later, Katherine appears by her side and brings her into a conforting embrace.

After Katherine knows she is ok, she speeds to Alaric, but he grabs her by the throught and sits her on a chair.


Hours have passed, and Amethyst has become more herself and stable. Katherine has given all the information that Alaric needed to blend in with people Elana is close with.

"Ok, while im gone, i want you to use this knife and stab yourself in the leg, and if you get bored, then chang legs. " Alaric compels Katherine.

"And where are you going?" Katherine questions.

"To lay eyes on my preasus döpliganger." He simply answers. Then he walks over to the young brunette and puts a hand on eather side of her face and makes her look at his eyes then says, " and for you my little banshee, i want you to stay put, and that means don't leave, do anything to let anyone know you are hear, or do anything to hurt yourself." The compelled girl simply noddes when he removes his hands from her face.

He grabes his jacket but before he can leave a sweet nervous voice stops him, "oh, klaus, since im going to be here for , god knows how long could you go to my house and into my room to get some of my art suplies please."

Shocked at what she asked, klaus turns around and noddes at the girl before saying, "yes ill get you some of your thing from your room." And with that, he walks out. And Katherine stabs the knife in her leg.


It has only been three hours. The young brunette was extremely bored. Drematicly, the young girl falls onto the couch. Her arm hits her lether jacket that was on the couch, but there was something hared in her pocket. Sharing a confuced glance with the 500 year old vampire who noticed it as well, she looks in her jacket pocket. The two girls are both shocked to see what was in there.

Her phone has hundreds of miss calls and messages. Gently tossing the phone next to her on the couch, she finds her earphones. Picking up her phone and unlocking it, the girl pluges in the earphones and changes the settings to flight mode. Not able to do anything with the brunette sitting in the chair, the young girl starts playing music full blast through her earphones.

More hours passed, and the young brunette soon got restless, so she started to dance in one of her favourite ways. Bellet. Going onto her toes, the young girl starts dancing and spinning around the room.

Without realinsing that there was another paire of eyes on her, she does a fluent 360 spin four times gracefully before hitting a chest. As soon as she makes contect, she opens her eyes, and she is met with Alaric's eyes. Dropping, so she is standing normaly, the two stairs at each other for a few seconds. Alaric lifts his hands to her ears and takes out the earphones that ware still blasing music. He followed the earphone wire and it led to the girls phone.

Taking it off her, Alaric says anoyed" Where did you get this from? What have you done with us all day?" He walks away from the young brunette angrily.

Defencively, the brunette argues, " it was im my jacket. Also, i have only been listening to music. If you look at the settings at the top of the screen, you can see for yourself. Or compell Katherine or me to tell you the truth. You compled me not to contact anyone, so I didn't. Just please dont break it!" She pleades slightly.

"And why not. You shouldn't have even had this." He informes the girl.

"Because it has every memorie of my uncle on their. And he is dead. He meant everything to me, and everything i have ever had of him is on that phone!" She emotuonaly says.

Alaric/klaus looks at the girl, then back at the phone. Turning the air plain mode off, he looks at the messages and notices the girl is telling the truth. Walking over to her, the phone starts to ring, and he answers it, then passes it to the girl. Looking at the caller ID, it says 'MoM'. She put the phone up to hear the ear, walking away, but knowing the two vampires could still hear her.

"Hay mom,"
"Oh God. Amethyst. Are you ok? Where are you? You have had everyone worried?"
"It doesn't matter. Just know im safe and dont bother looking for me!"
"Wait! What do -"

The brunette hangs up the phone. Walking over to klaus, she hands her phone over to him. He says, " You made the right choice. I can get all the music and photos off it and put it on a merorey stik for you."

The girl sadly nodded. Walking away, klaus puts the phone in his pocket and picks up a big bag. Returning to the brunette, he gives it to her and complements, "You are extremely talented, i didn't realise before. I brought you some of your supplies. It would at least give you something to do."

She takes a bag, and a shy, thankful smile spreads on her face.

(A/N:Soooo, I hope you like the relationship between Klaus and Amethyst. Since it is the beginning of him being in Mystic Falls thing night change. Let me know what you think, and don't forget to vote. Thank you, xoxo)

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