part 15

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Amethyst's pov

Time goes past slowly, and they have come in and out to torturing us. One of the vampires tried to help us but got himself tied up as well.

I feel so weak and tyered. I struggle to keep my eyes open. I think Stefan notices because he says, "Hey, hey, Amethyst. Come on, stay with me."

"I ... i dont think i can." I tell him honestly.

"Earlier, your eyes changed colour, and you healed quickly. Do you know why?" He asks.

"A little. Im still working everything out. But i know im like my uncle. He just hasn't told me what that is yet, " i say, leaving some information out.

"Ok, well, im here. What do you want to do when we get out of here?" He asks, trying to keep me from blacking out or falling uncountiuos.

"I honestly don't know, shower maybe." We both let out a small pained laught.

"So what's it with you and Damon.?" He questions, getting my full attention.

"It's nothing. He is that kind of person who doesn't want a steady relationship because he is too busy with everyone else." I say, voicing my opinion.

"That's not exactly true. I see the way he looks at you. He just needs to let the whole Katherine thing go." He sighs.

He looks at Harper, who says, "im sorry, they just needed someone to blame. Someone to torture."

At that moment, Elana walks through the door and goes straight to Stefan, who says, " Elana, you shouldn't be here."

Damon walks in and says, "You were supposed to stay on guard." He was about to stake Harper when i say weakly." No, not him. He tried to help."

They look at me, and then Damon gets Stefan down, Elana has him in her arms, and then Damon comes over to me. He holds me and unties my ankles. My legs fall the the ground hard. Damon engulfs me in a hug and wispers, "Are you ok. Im gonna kill them for touching you."

"Damon, dont  just can we please get out of here." I say with tears threatening to pour out of my eyes. He kisses my forehead and lifts me up bridel style. We go up the stairs. Stefen, who is supported by Elana, follows us to the back door to see Alaric. Damon gently places me in his arms and says, "Can you two make it to the car?"" He asks Elana.

"Yeh, what about you?" She questions.

"You rescue, i distract." And with that, he goes back into the house.

Alaric opens the car and places me in the back seast and asks, "Are you ok here?"

I nod and reply "yeh just go and help Damon." He goes back out into the rain towards the house.

I see Stefan and Elana coming when they both drop to the floor. I use my strength to sit up. They get in the car when suddenly Frederick brekes the window and pulls Stefan out of the car. I open the door and scream as loud as I could and Frederick stops punching Stefan to put his hands over his ears.

He gets up, and i can't screen any longer, so i stop to breathe. And i wish i didn't because Frederick kicked stefan, then got ahold of his jacket and lifted his off the ground and mumbled something. He then stakes Stefan in his side.

He goes to do it again, but Elana shouts, "NOOO!" And vrevains him. Frederick drops to the floor and drops Stefan as well.

I get her all my strength, and i feel my eyes change, and i run to the house. I go through the back door to see Alaric and Damon on their feet. "What are you doing here?" Damon asks.

"To help, and Stephan needs help." I say.  Damon grabs my hand gently and says "ok lets get out of hear."

We walk out to the proch at the front of the house to see we are surrounded by vampires. Damon squeezes my hand to say it will be ok, so i squeeze his hand back.

"How many of those vrevain darts have you got left," Damon questions.

"One!" Alaric says with no hope in his voice.

"Back in we go." Damon says, leading me inside, with Alaric following behind us.

We hear bangs on the door, and then all of a sudden, a womans voice says, "STOP! What are you doing." It opens to reveal Anna and an older woman.

They look around, and then the older woman asks, "What did you do?"

"Me? Your merry little band of vampires spent the day touring my brother and Amethyst, who, by the way, isn't a vampire." He points to me.

"Trust me, the parties responsible for this will be dealt with -"

"Our arrangement doesn't work unless you control them." He states.

"Well, this wasn't meant to happen."

"Well, it did!" He says, walking past the two girls. "If i had a good side, not the way to get on it."

With that Damon leaves and Alaric fellowes. I go after them, but im stopped by Anna, who says, "i am really sorry that they did this to you. Do you mind me seeing who did this?" She questions. I nod and try to hold back the tears. Both Anna and the other woman gently take my hand in theirs and go in my head.

After a while, they pull away with sorrow, pitty, and sympathy painted on their faces. I put my head down and leave. I get to the car to see everyone waiting for me. I get in the passenger side of the car, and i see Damon give me a smell smile. I return it, and we drive home.


We get back to the bording house, and Stefan and Elana go to Stefan's room, and i go to Damon's. I get changed into my short shorts and sports bra. I feel two cold hands on my waist, and they trail up and down my back. I turn to see Damon. And he says, "Are you going to be ok.  Do you want anything. Or..." he trails off.

I shake my head and say, "im fine. i just need some sleep and some time to heal." I go to bed, and he joins me.

He brings me into a comforting hug. I rest my head on his chest and start to cry. And before i know it, i have cried myself to sleep.

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