part 26

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I arrive at my house, AKA the Lockwoods. I knock on the door and walk in, closing the door behind me. I see Tyler with a big bag, so i go to him and take it off his shoulder. I place the heavy bad on my shoulder and get a grateful smile from Tyler.

"Heading out?" My mom asks, coming into the room.

"Yeh, lunch at the grill, Amethyst is gonna be hanging with Caroline. Football practice, probably go out after with the girls. I'll be late." Tyler informs our mom. Looking at me, he says, "Come on, we can't leave Caroline waiting."

I give our mom a small smile and then go to the door with Tyler when the doorbell goes off.

He opens it, and a woman is standing there. She's about 5'4 with blond hilights, and she has a fake smile. "Hi."

Tyler opens the door so all three of us can see her. "Im sorry, rude. You have no idea who i am, im Jules. A friend of masons from Florida. You must be Tyler..." she trailes off.

"And Amethyst..."she says, now looking at me. I politely nod, and she shows that fake smile again.

"Yeh, nice to meet you." Tyler says, shaking her hand.

"I know it's really rude of me to stop by, but im trying to track down Mason." She tells us without braking eye contact with me. As soon as she said his name, my whole body tensed up. I think she notices as well.

"Mason is in Florida. He has been for a while now." Our mom informes her.

Finally, we break eye contact, and she looks at our mom and then says, "Well, that is the thing. He's not."

I can feel how thick the tension is and all my emotions are about to make my have an anger outburst so i say holding Tyler's arm "well, Emmm, ill let you and my mom sort this out. Could you let us know if there are any updates. But for now, Ty and I have somewhere to be. Im sorry, please excuse us." 

We start walking to his car when he abruptly stops. "Ok, we are away from them. How the hell are you not confused or emotional right now. You saw him and had a bond with him more than me. Do you know something like where he is." He asks.

"Im holding it all back because if i open it up, i could break something or hurt someone. And that is a risk im not willing to take. And do you remember why i got sent away." I say to him.

"Yeh cus you were screaming and showing abnormal behaviour. Why"

"The reason was because I'm a banshee. A harpenture of death. And every time i would scream, i felt and watched someone die like it was happening in front of me. And the last time i saw Mason, i got a bad feeling, and that feeling only comes when someone is going to die. I just shrugged it off. But now i think i should have listened to it." I honestly admit.

I can tell he is trying to process it all. We both just get in the car, i put the bag in the boot and get into the passengers seat, and then we drive to the grill.


The whole way there was silent. I didn't want to speak in case he hasn't processed the information yet. I know it can be overwhelming.

We get out, and Ty gets the bag from the boot, and we go into the grill. I notice Alaric and send him a small smile.

We go over to Caraline, and Ty says, "Hey."

"Hey." She replies and puts her phone down. "What's wrong."

"This woman mason knows stoped by the house. She says he never made it back to Florida. She was going to call your mom when we left. We should get going."

"Yeh," she says, processing it all.

They strat to leave, but i quickly say to Alaric "hi can you tell Damon please. I don't want him to know from someone else. And tell him that i know who the woman is, please." He nodes and walks away.

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