part 17

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I arrive at school just before all the other students start flooding the halls, it has been a couple of days since the party. And yet, so much has gone wrong. Stefan is in the bacement because he attecked someone, and im still stuck going to school. I know I need school, and education is important, but I just dont like the social aspect. Ordinary kids are disgusting or dramatic, not what I like.

Walking to the front enterence, I notice Jeremy and Anna. I go up to them because lets face it, i dont really have many friends. Plus, I take pleasure in annoying those I care about. Getting closer to the pair, I say, "Hey."

They both look at me, Anna showing guilt with an asmall amount of happiness and Jeremy with his nateral relaxed self. They both say a"hi" and "hello"

Deciding to break the tension,  i decide to say, "So, Anna, you are coming to school now. I thought you were only here for your mum, " I say.

"Yeh, I wanted a chance to live for myself, so I was able to change her mind a little. There is nothing to worry about, im not going to do anything to you. You are safe unless you piss me off." She says with a playful smile on her face.

"Well, things have changed, and i think i could have a chance at kicking your ass." I playfully joke, flashing her my eyes. Fast enought she could see, but Jeremy couldn't. She smiles at me as a small giggle excapesherlips. Noticing my presence isnt wanted and that they may have been having a moment before i came, i say, "Oh well, I've got to see my art teacher, so I'll see you both later." And with that, i walk off.

Anna isn't that bad once you get to know her, but it still doesn't excuse what she did to me. And I'm still going to be slightly cautious around her.


I spent the whole day doing my art piece for my exam. I was mentally finished for the day. So I decided to go back to the bording house, only to see Damon and Elana. "Hey," they both look at me and say, "Hi."

What is it with me today, I keep interrupting small moments. I mean, this is the second time today. The two Finnish their conversation as Damon comes over to me and wraps an arm around my waist. Pulling my body close to his, Elana walks out of the room to the bacement, im assuming to go and see Strfan.

When Elana is fully out of the room, I look up only to be met with Damons blue orbs already looking into my mind. "How was your day at school?" Damon asks as he gently traces circles on my back with his hand.

Releasing a sigh, I rest my head on his chest as i say, "It was ok. Art was everywhere. It was annoying and stressful."

"Come on. " he says, leading me to the couch. We sit down, and Damon brings me close to his chest as I rest my head on his shoulder. I feel my eyes start to feel heavy, and then they soon flutter shut. As sleep takes over.


Third person pov

Alaric is at the bar, in the Grill drinking. He takes a sip from his glass when an all to family voice says, " Hello, Ric."

He turns to her and says, "Isabelle."

"It's good to see you. You look good. I hear you are a high school history teacher. How is that."

"Why are you here, Isabelle?" Alaric asks, trying to keep himself from letting his emotions to get the best of him.

"I don't have any reasons that will comfort you. I don't have any explanations that are going to satisfy you. I waned this."

"Is that simple?"

"Yes, you were supposed to mourn me and then move on." She states.

"You were my wife. I loved you. How was i not supposed to search for you."

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