part 25

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I get back to the bording house and see everyone leaving, so I go up to them and say, "Hey, what's up?" Where are you going."

"To get the moon stone. I'm sorry it's too dangerous, so don't even think about asking to come." Damon says, pointing his figure at me. I put my hands up in surrender and replied, " Ok, I wasn't going to, just courious."

"I'll wait for you in the house, where it is nice and safe." I say innocently. Damon smiles at me and says, "Good girl. Just don't trash the place."

"Like I would."I smile at them and walk into the house.

I close the door and wonder around  the house. Curiously, I find myself in the basement, and I notice all of the vrevain.

I walk over to it and pick it up. All of a sudden, I feel dizzy and my eyes close, and I feel my body hit the floor, then I black out.


I slowly gain consciousness, and I hear footsteps getting louder. "Oh god, Amethyst. What happened?" I hear a voice.

I slowly open my eyes only for them to meat Damon's. "It's the vrevain." I nearly get out as a whisper.

Quickly, Damon picks me up bridel style, and vamp speeds us to my room. He places my gently on my bed and asks, " vrevain, what do you mean it's the vrevain?""

"I touched it, then before I know it, I'm uncountious. And it feels like i was breathing in raser blades. It hurts." I begin to cry, and he lies next to me on my bed. I snuggle into his chest and quietly sob. Feeling him wrap his arms around me, I slowly fall asleep in Damon's safe embrace.


I wake up to Damon fiddling with my hair. "Well, good morning. How are you feeling." He asks, generally concerned.

"I'm feeling better, but I don't know why I was affected by the vrevain." I say, and he gets out of bed with me following him.

"Yes, I've been thinking we never gave you any, and I checked to see if it burns as you, like it does with us. It doesn't, so I got this, and I was wondering if you could try and drink it." He says, holding up a small vile.

I take it then say "why am I so differcult. Can't I just be normal." I question.

"Why it's great being different." He says. I look at him and gulp the vrevain liquid down me.

I feel weak, and I use my speed and run to the toilet, slide down on my knees, and rest my hands on the seat. I feel the liquid coming up my throught, and I cough it up.

Instantly, I feel a pair of arms on me. A hand holding my hair back and one gently rubbing circles on my back to soothe me. My body is shaking, and I feel light-headed.

I feel Damon try and help me to my feet, but as soon as im up and he lets go, my legs shake and give way. He crouches down, and my eyelids become heavy. I feel a light tap on my cheek, and i meet his beautiful blue eyes. And he picks me up and says, "Come on, beautiful." He walks me over to the bed and places me in a sitting position. I feel my back againdt the head bored.

I feel his hand under my chin and his thumb on my chin, and my face moves up gently. "Come on, foucus. Just look at me. Come on."  My vision cleares up, and i dont feel badly lightheaded like before. He notices im getting my strength back, so he lets out a relived sigh.

"I am not touching vrevain again, live ever. I'll just have to fight off the bad vampires from compelling me." I say, joking around. And it brings a smile to both of our faces.

"Well, im glad that you are joking around now because you actually had my sacred." His says as his smile drops.

"Im sorry, but I'm tough and strong. You will need a lot more than vrevain to take me down. I learned from the best." I say, smiling and looking up at him. He brings me into his embrace, and i dont want to leave his safety.

We pull away, and i stand up, and he looks at me, and i say, "i have werewolf healing abilities, remember." I say in a 'dur' tone. He just laughed at me, and i playfully punched him.

We make our way downstairs and says "Come on, we need to go to Elena's."

"Really, can i quickly get changed, please?" A sigh excapes his lips, and he nods. I run upstairs and get changed into the first outfit i see. (A/N: her outfit is at the top.)

I put on my favourite pair of shoes and then go downstairs to see Damon waiting for me at the door, holding my lether jacket. We exchange glances, and then we leave. I put on my lether jacket, then we get into his car and drive to the Gilbert house.

We walk in, and i see Elana on the couch looking miserable. Then Damon says "hay you should really lock your door." He chuckles to himself.

"Do you find this funny, Damon?" Elana questions.

"Yes  i find in extremely funny that i have to keep saving you life." He says at her, not in amusement.

His phone rings, and he answers it. After a few moments, he hangs up, and i say "om well ive got to go. So I'll see you later, or tomorrow." I say. When i turn around, Damon vamp speeds in front of me and blocks my path. "And where do you think you are going?"

I take a deep breath in and say, "im going to be with Tyler and Caroline today. It's Tylers' first shift tonight, and i haven't turned in a while, so im going to go and pick him up and then make sure he is ok, and I'll see you tomorrow or if you come by. Which i wouldnt advise that he won't be in control."

"But you will?" Elana questions me in disbelief.

Surprise is written all over my feartues. I turn to her and say "yeh I'm part Banshee. That means i can choose to shift and not to, if i dont want to. And when you were going on all your suicide missions, i think you lost your manners along the way, because last time i checked, i haven't done anything to you. I dont deserve to be spoken to like that from anyone." I snap, trying to keep my anger in.

And by the look on her face, she feels guilty. I turn to Damon and says " I'll call you after I've shifted." And don't get into any trouble while I'm gone." The words gently role of my toung. Then i leave.

As i walk out the door, i can hear Elana calling after me, but i just ignore her and walk away. The last person who spoke to me like that was my dad. And i didn't take it from him, so why should i take it from her.

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