part 43

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The day was ok to be fair. Stephan attacked Ric, and Rebekah intimidated Caroline, and watching the two was slightly amusing.

But i go home and get ready to go to this bonfire thing that Rebekah wants to go to, so i thought I'd be a nice friend and go with her. (A/N: Outfit is at the top)

I am downstairs in the parlour, sipping a glass of bourbon when suddenly a pair of hands cover my eyes. "Ok, Stephan, what's up. Wait, are you bored?" I say as a smile creeps on my face.

"What? How did you know it was me?" He pretends to be shocked.

I stand up and turn to him. "You are forgetting im part werewolf. I could smell you as soon as you entered the room." I smile and start to leave.

"And where do you think you are going?"

"To the bonfire. Or do i not have to go to that anymore." I say to him with a grin.

"You are not that lucky. Come on or we will be late. I'll race you." He says, walking closer to me.

"Oh yeh, what is the price?" I ask, closing the space between us. I can now feel the warmth of his breath.

"I have something in mind." He smirks devilishly.

"Well... you need to catch me first." I tell him and then vamp speed to the bonfire. He forgets im part wolf, so im faster than an ordinary vampire.

I get there and start to wander around the bonfire. I see Elana coming out of the school with everyone else.

I keep walking when i feel a gentle but tight grip on my wrist. Then suddenly, im spun around to be face to face with those beautiful blue orbs. I pull away and try to walk away, but he starts to walk next to me and asks, " What was the whole thing with you and Stephan this morning?"

"Oh, that, It's nothing. It's just an inside joke, that's all. Why, are you jealous." I start to tease.

I can tell he is uncomfortable, and it's funny because he is. "What. No. Of you. Never."

My face drops to a hurt expression. "That was mean Damon, even for you." I quickly walk away before he can say anything else.


Im sitting on a log resting my head on Rebekah's shoulder. I told her everything, and she is trying to take my mind off it,off him, and everyone else as well.

Damon aproaches us, so i get up and say, "ok, I'll see you later, Rebekah. If you need me, just ring."


I start to walk away when i hear Damon call out my name, but i dont stop.

Honestly, im bored out of my mind. Im lying on the bleaches when i hear a noise. I turn my head to see its only Elana she stumbles over to me and asks, "Do you minister if i sit?"

"Nope. Be my geust." I say poping the 'p'.

"Can i ask you something?" Elana bursts out.

"By all means. Fire away." I say not caring.

"Whats with you, Klaus and Rebekah?" She asks.

"What do you mean 'what's with...'. they were and are there for me. More than you and everyone else in this town like my own family. "I inform her.

"Im sorry," she says, but it barely comes out a wisper. I jolt up with a confused expression on my face, but before i can say anything, she stabs me with a vrevain dart.

I feel really light-headed, and i think im swaying. I feel Elana weap her arms around me, then im consumed by darkness.


Screams and cryes for help fill my ears. I slowly open my eyes, and realisation hits me. That Doppelganger bitch vrevained me. Anger starts to rise inside me. I stand up but i can feel my legs shaking beneath me, but i keep standing. I walk off the bleachers to see Elana on the floor with Ric and Stephan and a car of fire.

I meet eyes with Stephan when i feel someone with supernatural strength push me, so i go flying into the burning car. Hitting it hard, then i fall to the ground in pain.

Everything becomes blurry, i can just see the light from the flames and muffles cries and shouts. I feel two arms quickly wrap around my body and we vamp speed away from the scene.

The car suddenly explodes. I look around and i feel fine. I look at who saved me and it was Stephan. I let out a loude gasp and my vision suddenly become clouded.

I hear whispers, cries and screams but i cant see anything.

Stephan's pov

My eyes meat with her beautiful hazle eyes. But they were quickly taken away by a white cloude. She lets out a loude gasp for air. I held her im my arms until she completely becomes unconscious in them. I cant believe this happened to her.

I look at Elana and Ric, then at Thyst. I stand up with her still im my arms and walk back to the bording house. When i get there i go to her room and place her in bed. Covering her cold body with the duvet. I sit in her arm chair in her room. I dont leave her side until she wakes up or Rebekah comes to stay with her.

Right now i don't trust many people.

I quickly go down stairs to get a glass of blood for when she wakes up. I come down the stairs to be met with Elana and Ric. I put my hands in my pocket and say "well, you got me tonight. And Thyst aswell. I definitely wasnt expecting that."

"Well that was the point. Yeh. Well you can hate it all you want but Elana needs me. I will always protect her. I think its best for you both if i was around."

Then they both leave "Elana wait." I say and she turnes to me. "You could have let die in that fire tonight, why didn't you."

"Because i still have hope." She tells me.

"Even after everyrhing ive done to you. You still think I'll be able to find my humanity again." I piece together.

"Yes. I do. I know you better then anyone, Stephan. And im not giving up." She says getting all emotional.

"Elana do you have any idea how pathetic that makes you." I wisper since we are face to face.

"No Stephan it makes my strong." She says and stakes my in the stomach thenwalks out.

I drop to my knees and look up towards the stairs and Ric comes and stands next me. He stabes my with a vrevain darf and the only word that manages to come out my mouth in a wisper is "THYST."

Then im consumed by darkness...

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