part 16

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I wake up to the annoying sound of the alarm on my phone. I get it off the bedside table and throw it across the room. Not hearing it hit the floor, i look up to see Damon with my phone in his hand. Did i really through it that far? "Hey, someone has been working out." Damon jokes.

I face plant my pillow, but Damon comes next to me and moves my hair away from my ear. I sigh and look at him. "Come on, you have school." He stands up and puts my phone by my ear. Seconds later, the alarm goes off, and i throw it again. But this time, it smashes in the hallway.

"Ok, now you have super strength. You could take Stefan down with that." Damon jokes once more.

"Haha, Damon, very funny." I say, getting up.

"Ok, I'll get you a new phone, and do you want me to drop you off at school." He asks.

"Yes, please, is that because you don't trust I'll go, or because you are being nice." I ask with a raised eyebrow.

He smirks at me and says, "Both. Come on, you need to hurry up  beautifully." He says, walking out the room.

Wait, did he just call me beautiful??? Oh, well.

I get changed (A/N outfit at the top) and let my hair down in loos nateral waves. I get me bag and go downstairs. I meat Stephan on the stairs, and i go to the parlour to see Damon. "Come on, muffin. Let's go." He says.

"Ok, what's with all the different nicknames this morning, first beautiful and now muffin. Come on, what's up?" I question as we get into his car.

"Nothing, i just know that you walked out on your family, and we haven't treated you much like family. You are one of us, human, banshee, and vampire. We stick together and protect each other. Ok." He says, looking at me.

"Ok, but eyes on the road, please, grandpa. Last time someone spoke to me while driving was Elana and i may heal quickly but it will still hurt." I laugh and give Damon a smile while he chuckles at me comment. We get to school, i get out of the car, and Damon says he will pick me up as well.  Then he drives off.


The day had gone past pritty fast, and Damon picked me up from school. And we both go to Elena's. We go to the door, and Elana opens it. And points up stairs, so Damon being Damon says "no i will not go to your bedroom with you." I hit his arm, and i say," im gonna say hi to Jeremy, call me if you need anything. ""

"See, we would have to come all the way down and hear if we needed you because someone broke their phone."

"Ok, i get it, Damon. ok, im sorry. I'll be in the kitchen." I say, putting my hands up in surrender.

I go to the kitchen and Jeremy says, "Hey Ame, how are you, i haven't seen you in a while." He asks.

"Im good, just a lot of school work." I reply.

"Sure." John says.

"Im sorry John, i don't mean to be rude, but you are not involved in the conversation." I say, trying to be polite.

"Well, you know, i used to babysit you, so i do get to be in this conversation. Also, your dad told me what happened. That you are not living at home anymore. Where are you staying now exactly Are you still going to the opening founders party tonight?" John asks.

"Yeh, he said some hurtful things, and i kinda just exploded. So im now staying with Stefan and Damon. And i guess i am going to the party tonight. I am a Lockwood, after all." I say, earning a sympathetic glance from Jenna and Jeremy.

Damon comes down the stairs, and i turn to the three of us in the kitchen and says "I'll see you later, bye.""

As i walk towards the door, Jenna tries to stop me by calling my name. Ingoring it, i go outside with Damon following behind me. We get to the car, and he gentely grabs my wrist and turns me so i am facing him. "What's up. What happened when i was with Elana?"

"John, happened. He brought up about me not living at home and everything, and i didn't want people to pitty me, but now Jenna and Jeremy know. And i just. I can't." I say crying.

Damon brings me into his chest, and we look at the house to see John standing by the window, looking at us. We get in the car and drive back to the bording house to get ready

We get ready and when we are done we go to the Lockwoods (my house)  for the party.
When we get there, i leave Stephan and Damon and go to wonder.

I wonder round for a couple of minutes, so far so good i haven't seen any of my family. Suddenly, i hit a hard chest. Snapping out of my thought, i look up to see it's my dad. Panic and fear start to build in me. He harshly grab ahold of my wrist and dragged me up the stairs to my room.

He pushes me to the floor, and i get up almost instantly. Right now, after everything i have been through in the last week alone, i could take him, my father or not. He comes over to me, and i scream slightly and use my hands to gesture a pushing action, and my dad goes flying into the wall. I take this as my chance to leave. Coming down the stairs, i bump into John. He looks at me with a smirk. He knew. He was in on all of this. Ok, i need to get out of here before i kill someone or scream, and the whole building will cave in.

I go to the garden and take a breather. I have been outside for half an hour now. Im staring at the stars when two gentel hands wrap around my waist. "What are you doing out here? The party is inside." Damon asks.

I turn to him with tears down my face, and his face softens. "What happened. Did something happen?" He asks, concerned.

I nod and look down "yeh it was, emm, my dad. He tried to attack me. I fought him off and ran. Im ok." I tell him, trying not to cry.

He brings me closer to his chest, and then he wraps his arms around my body, hugging me.

"It's Damon, right?" John says, walking over to us. He raleases me from the hug, and i wipe the tears away.

"John."Damon says, turning to him.

"We didn't get a chance to meet at the councel meeting."

"Yeh, it's a pleasure. Are you enjoying the, emm, kick off." Damon asks.

"Yeh, it shows us what fun theys small town celebrations could be."

"Yeh, when was the last time you were here?"

"My brothers funereal. How long have you been in town?" John questions.

"Not long at all."

"So what do you think? This vampire problem real,right. A protential blood bath."

"Im going to go back into the party now. I'll let you two talk." I say, going back into the house with the huge crowd. When i go in, it is a bit quieter. And i started to dance with some randome guys who go to my school. After a while, i see Damon again, and i stay by him for a while when my father gives his speech.

I go and look for Stephan in the house, but i can't find him. I came into the room to see my dad hit Tyler around the face. I run to him and stand in between them. My dad demands "move out of the way, Amethyst!"

"So what, you can hit him again, no." I say protecting my older brother.

"What did you just say to me?" he questions me.

"I. Said. NO!" I step closer to him.

He swings his hand to hit me, but as if it's like instinct, i grab his wrist and look him in the eyes. I can feel mine change, and confusion spreads on his face. I release my grip on him, he steps back and says, "This is the last time you enbaris this family. The both of you." He turns and walks away.

When he is out of sight, i turn to Tyler and ask him if he is ok. He wraps his arms around me in a suffocating hug. He wispers "Thank you" in my ear.

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