part 27

694 10 3

Third person pov

Elana is standing in her room facing the one and only Elijah, who now has access to her house. He is standing opposite her, on the other side sitting on the window seat.

"Please forgive the intrusion, I mean your family no harm." He says to her honestly

"Why did you try and kill thoes vampires when they tryed to take me?"Elana says speaking her thoughts.

"Because i didn't want you to be taken. Klaus is the most feared and hated of the Originals. Vampires will be eager to get his approval. If word gets out that there is a döpliganger, there will be vampires lined up to come and take to to him. And i can't have that." He explaines to Elana.

"Isnt that what you are trying to to?" The human girl asks him.

"Lets just say that my goal is not to break the curse." He says.

"So what is youre goal?" She asks confused.

"Klauses obsession with the curs has made him paranoied. He is a reckloos. He trusts thoes in his immediate circle."

"Like you?" She questions.

"Not any more." He informes her while shaking his head 'no'.

"You dont know where he is, do you?" She says realining the truth. "So you are trying to use me, to draw him out."

"Well to do that i need you to stay put and stop trying to get your self killed."

"How do i know you are telling the truth?" She asds more confident.

"Well if i weren't being truthful, your family would be dead and i would be taking you to klaus right now. Along with the young Banshee, Amethyst was it. Instead im hear and prepared to offer you a deal." He tells the girl.

"Ame, what does she have to do with this." She questions then she asks " what kind of deal?"

"Do nothing. Do nothing, live your life, stop fighting. And when the time is right, you and i shall laure klaus out together. And i shall make certain your friends remain unharmed. Amethyst will not be touched by klaus eather."

"Then what?"

"Then i kill him!" He says with no emotion in his voice.

"Just light that?"

"Just light that" he says as soom as she finishes. "Im a man of my word Elana. I make a deal, i keep a deal."


~~~~Amethyst's pov~~~~~~~

Tyler had started to shift and i could bairly watch him. I cant stand to see him in pain. He has been at this for hours now. Finaly he was completely shifting. I look at Caroline and she gives me a nod of aprovel. I go onto my hands and knees. I let my animal side come out and my body changes.

It feels like a weight is being lifted from my. I have fully shifted within seconds and tyler is shifting still. I am peacefully sitting infrount of the Caroline protectively.

Tyler is now a wolf and trying to come and attack me to get to Caraline but i just stand up and growl at him, soon he backes down and settels. Caroline is behined me and i can feel her fingers glide through my fur. Tyler is now becoming really vilent and tryes to go for Caroline, again. Sobbes excapes her lips but she runnes out and i follow her out.

She rests on the door and slides down so she is now sitting down leaning on the door. I go over to her and try my best to confort her. She strokes my head and i can tell she is feeling better.

All of a sudden Tyler goes to the door and starts attacking the door. I tense up and start to growl at Tyler. Caroline tryes to hold the door down. She puts a big, long pieve of wood along the door and she speeds off.

I stay and more growls are flowing out of my mouth. Luckerly he stops and i lay by the closed door protectively.

Shortly after Caroline comes in and opens the door then goes in to see Tyler. I decide to let them have a moment so i make my way back to the Salvator bording house. I walk through the doors to see Damon and Rose on the couch. They both look at me then Damon says "oh Amethyst, wow. I havent seem you as a wolf. Damm, you are a beautiful wolf."

"How do you know that its Amethyst and not Juels or a different wolf?" Rose questions confused.

" Her neckless. And i know thoes brown eyes. You can go upstairs to you room now."

And with that i go to my room and leave them alone.

I shift back, take a long needed shower and then change into a sports bra and short shorts. Then i get into bed and fall asleep.


I'm standing in a room that is all to familiar to me. I look around to see Damon on the bed and Rose lying on top of him.

She doesn't look too good. She has a pail face, sweat all over her, she look sick.

They both have their eyes closed when Damon holds up a stake. Plunging it into Rose's chest.

She releases her last breath and her skin turnes light grey. Then dark grey vaines appear all over her face, hands and her whole body.

I let out a defening scream and everything becomes black.

~~~~~end of dream~~~~~

I open my eyes when I feel a pair of arms wrap around me. I look up to see Damon with a worried expression on his face and he is shushing me.

I realise I'm screaming so I stop and my breaths are deep. I bury my head into his chest and sobbes leave my mouth but become muffled in his shirt.

"Hey. What happened. I'm hear. Nothing is going to happen to you." He reasures me while gently rubbing circles on my back.

I pull away and look at him in the eyes then say "I'll be ok. But Rose won't. I saw her die Damon." Teases are starting to stream down my face. And he pulls me back into a hug, then says "I know. I know,"

After a while I calm down and slowly fall asleep. As I fall asleep, Damon walks out and leaves me to fall asleep, again.

(A/N: The neckless that Amethyst was wearing when she was a wolf is at the top.)

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