part 48

526 2 5

We get back to the bording house, and im carried into his room. Im placed on his bed, and Stefan starts to walk away, but i hold onto his hand. Turning to look at me, his face softened when he saw the state im in, shaking, eyes watering, and the look of fear in my eyes.

He lies next to me and wraps an arm around me. I cuddle into his chest. Even though he did this to me tonight, he still has good in him. He just has to see it. After a while, my body stops shaking, and i drift to sleep in an old friends arms.


My eyes slowly opened to see the room lit up by the light from the sun. I try to move and get out of bed, but i realise there is a strong arm around my waist. Looking over my shoulder, i see Stephan staring at me.

"You're stairing. "I tell him as i roll over to face him.

Our faces are only centimetres away he says, "im sorry. You looked so calm and peaceful when you slept. And yes, i know how strange that sounds. Im sorry." He tells me.

I giggle and get out of bed. I'm going to the door to head to my room, but im stopped by a gentle hand holding my wrist.

Im spun around until i hit Stefan's chest. I look up at him since he is slightly taller than me, and our eyes meet. "Im sorry for what i did. I shouldn't have used you like i did, and i will do anything to make it up to you." He says, looking at me with guilt and regret in his eyes.

I step back, nod my head and say "i will forgive you if you surprise me with something absulutly amazing that i cant say no to, and you never put me in that kind of situation again."

"I promise. And how do i do that?" He asks.

"Yell, since im not 100 per cent sure if your humanity is on or off. Why dont we go to a bar and have a drink of anything or anyone."i say, raising my eyebrows and nudging my arm into his.

A smile is spread across my face as Stefan has one almost identical, and he nods.

"Ok, we will leave in an hour. im gonna get ready, and you can do whatever you need to just be here in an hour, please." I tell him.

He nods, and i walk away to my room.

I get i the shower and let the hot water fall onto my body. I finish up, wrap a towel around me, and walk into my bedroom. I dry myself and get changed i to a light blue sleeveless top and a white shirt. With a pair convers that are the same colour as my top.(A/N: Put fit is at the top if you would like to see it. Xoxo)

I finish up, and my hair is dry and flowing down my back in their nateral waves. I grab my phone and leather jacket and walk out of my room. I go down the start to see Stefan leaning on the door frame, and a smile is painted on his face when he sees me. It's strange that i haven't seen him have a genuine smile on his face in a while.

"Are you ready?" He asks.

"Yeh. Let's go." I say, and we both walk to his car.


We arrive at a bar not far from Mystic Falls, and we have are having the time of our lives. Music was blasting loudly, and i was on the dance floor dancing with some random guy.

Stephan comes over and taps on the guy's shoulder. "Hay, can i cut in?" Then the guy moves, and im now dancing with Stephan.

I keep dancing but say, "ok, it has been annoying me. Is your humanity off or on?" Because it looks on when you are with me, but then when we are around everyone else, it's off."

"I honestly don't know, but when im with you, i feel myself and happy." He tells me.

I stop and say "well im privileged, thank you. Would you like a drink. A real one."

He nods, and we compel a couple, and we both drink on them until they are dead.

An hour passes, and we are in the car on our way back to town, and it was nice having a day like this.

I tell him, "You know we need to do this a lot more. Considering what today is."

He looks at me in agreement but is slightly puzzled by what today is. Suddenly, realisation hist him hard. "Im sorry, i forgot." He stops the car and gets out, and comes over to my side of the car. Opening my car door, he pulls me to my feet and places his hands on my cheeks.

"Happy birthday, Amethyst -" he cuts himself off by kissing me. Neather, one of us pulls away. If it feels so good. When my phone goes off. I pull away, and we both sigh. I put the phone to my ear, and it's Elana.

Putting my phome to my ear "Hay Elana, whats up."

She explains that she and Bonnie are going to find Bonnie's mom. And that she want me to go with them. I decide to not go with them because if Bonnie's mom is a witch, a hybrid showing up at her door wouldn't end well.

"It's just us today. Since it is my birthday." I say with a grin on my face.

We both get in the car again and drive home.


Stefan enters the bording house with me closely behind. The music is bouncing all around the house when i see Nik sitting there with a glass of Damon's bourbon. Stefan walks over to a table and starts to go through the remote in the air and catch it. He turns down the music and walks around Nik.

"Ok, I'll be upstairs. If you need me just call." And with that, i walk upstairs to my room.

I get a call from Bonnie and Elana again, and they desperately want me there, so i agree to go. They sent me the address, and i went downstairs.

Nik and Stephan both look at me, curious of where im going. "Thyst, where are you going?" Nic asks first in a kind voice.

"Oh, Elana and Bonnie meed me. So im going to go and help them out. Yes, it was a great day to spend my first birthday as a hybrid with Banshee abilities and magic. Whoooo." I say sarcastically, causing both of the boys to chuckle.

"Ok, im going. If you need me just call." And with that, i vamp speed to the place Elana sent me.


I get there, and by the looks of things, Bonnie and Elana had just got there as well. I meet up with them at the door, and Elana rings the doorbell.

unexplainable TVD FAN-FIC BOOK 1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora