part 12

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A gentle hand grazes my cheek, and my eyes slowly open. See my dad next to me, watching me sleep. I say, "Hey, dad, how did you sleep?"

I gain his attention. And he smiles at me and replies "yeh i slept ok. But you, on the other hand, haven't been sleeping much eather, considering you haven't been taking your medication." He says, raising his voice while holding my medication.

"Dad..." I trail off, but he interups me.

"You know the deal we made, you come home and take your medication or you go back!"

I stand up, and fear and anger are pumping through my vanis. "If you ever do that to me again, or even threaten me with it. I will leave and not think twice about it. And so help me, god, i will make you suffer!" I threaten him. I walk out of the room, and i go to the boarding house.

I walked through the doors, and no one was there, so i took advantage of it. I go to Damon's room. I get an outfit out and put it out on the bed ready. I take all of my clothes off and get into a nice hot shower. After i get out of the shower  i get changed and dry my hair. My nateral waves come out, and i let them fall naturally. (A/N, her outfit is at the top).


The day passed by, and i have drank quite a bit of Damon's acohol. I am spinning circles on the parlour floor. Darkness has set outside, but i was still spinning circles and drinking.  Damon comes in with red eyes. I am still spinning, and he comes in front of me, so i stop, and my hands rest on his chest.

"Are you ok? Did something happen?" I question.

"I could ask you the same thing." He places his hands gently on top of mine, and i look him in the eye and say,"He threatened to send me beck, so I threatened to leave and make his life a living hell. Then I walked out, and I've been here drinking all day." He pulls me into a hug, and he starts to drink with me. Holding my hand, he spinnes me around, and we dance the night away.


I must have fallen asleep when Damon went to get someone to eat. I woke up in his bed. I walk down staist to meat with Stefan. He gives me a smile, and we walk in a room to see Damon very drunk, dancing with girls as he feeds on them.

I shake my head and say, "ok im going to the bellet studio today, so if you need me, I'll be there." Also, as you both are here. Would it be ok if i stayed here for a while?"

"Yes, you are more than welcome to stay as long as you would like. It's a pleasure to have you here." Damon says, coming next to me and placing a kiss on my head.

I turn to Stefan and say "Ill explain everything to you later."

"Yeh ok when you come back, I'll show you to your room." He says, hugging me. I nod in thanks and walk to the studio.


The day passes by so quickly. I am in the middle of my routine when I stop. "Are you going to stand their watching me for another hour, or would you like to come out and speak to me."

Stefan comes out and says, "im sorry, i didn't want to disturb you, but would you min come back to the house so we can sort your room out and get some stuff from home?""

"Yeh, why not." I say. I grab all my stuff and we deive to my house. We get out of the car and go in. We walk up the stairs to my room. We go in, and Stefan looks taken back.

"Are you ok, Stephan?" I ask him while he looks around my room. I get a bag out and put my clothes in it. Once i have done that, i pack some of my dance things and art supplies.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, and it opened. My mom comes in and looks at Stefan, then me and fimaly at my bags. "What is going on, hear Amethyst  Emilia Lockwood? What are you doing." Wow, she used my whole name.

"Im leaving." I say bluntly. I grabbed my bags, and i left the house with Stefan behind me before she could say anything.

We get back to the boarding house, and Stefan shows me to my new room, and i settle in.

Stefan pops his head through the door and says "hay we are going to the grill. Are you sure you don't want to come?"

"Yeh, im fine thanks, im just gonna get an early night. I'll see you in the morning." He noddes and walks away. I change into my short shorts and a sports bra. Then i get into bed and let sleep take over.

Amethyst dream

I am standing in the grill, with people pushing everywhere, trying to get out. I look around to see Bonnie unconscious on the floor. Caroline with dark vains under her eyes and fangs. Clutching her head in pain and matt bleeding out on the floor. Pankc spreads everywhere.

Suddenly, im in a toom with someone whom i didn't expect to see for a while. She doesn't look well, but then i notice Stefan, and he quickly speeds out the toom, and Katherine tries, but is stopped by a man in a dark suit. He had bark brown hair and brown eyes. But fear is radiating off her, so he must be powerful. Suddenly, i feel a sharp pain in my neck with a big SNAP.

I wake up gasping for air. I look around to see it is dark, so it is still night. Damon enters my room, and i say, "Hey, wats up, can't sleep." He noddes and gestures to my bed, and i move aside slightly, and he comes and gets into bed with me. My head lies on his cheat, his arm is leaning on my shoulder, stroking my hair, and i feel safe. We both fall asleep in eachothers arms.

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