part 49

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I hear footsteps coming from the direction I  just came from. I look up to see a man who says, "Hey there?"

"Hay, we are looking for, emm, Abby wilson." Elana says nervously.

"Oh, she's not home. Is there anything i can do for you?" He says, brushing 9ff his hands.

"Is ok. We can come back." Bonnie says quickly and tries to walk away, but i step in front  of her as Elana grabs her arm.

"Im sorry, but you look so familiar?" The guy says to Bonnie.

"Abby is my mom."she says, and realisation and shock spread on his face.

"Im Jamie. Would you like to come inside?" He asks, trying to break the awkwardness that was quickly building.

He opens the door and says, "Right this way."

Elana walks in first, then Bonnie follows, and i come to the threshold and slowly move my door over the door frame, and i am ablw to get in. But as soon as im in the house, the voices start to be wisper.

Its strange because since i became a hybrid, after they tried to kill me, i haven't heard anything. And now they decide to pipe up.

Jamie is talking to the two girls, but im too busy trying to understand what the voices are saying. We sit at the table, and Elana and Bonnie give me a worried look. Bonnie places her hand on my knee and asks, "Hey, are you ok. You dont look too good."

"Emm. Im ok. it's just that because of my Banshee side, i could hear the voice."they both nod. "Yeh, well, they are speaking to me again. I've not heard anything since i turned, but as soon as i walked in here, they were trying to tell me something. I don't know?" I question myself.

Jamie comes over with two glasses of water.

"Jamie, you home? Whos car is out frount?-" a womans voice is heared and as soon as she walks round she cuts herself off when she looks at Bonnie.

"That's mine." Bonnie says shyly. She stands up and says, "im Bonnie. Your daughter."

I am happy for Bonnie and all, but the voices are becoming screems. I apologize to everyone and run out side through the front door. When im a few meters away, i look at the distance and let out one of my famous screems. I just fall to my knees and breathe heavily.

I feel a hand gently rub circles on my back. I look up to see if it is Elana. "What happened? Are you ok? " she asks, helping me to my feet.

I nod and reply "yeh just needed to get it out of my system. But i know what they were trying to say. But it doesn't matter."

"I need to speak to Bonnie. I'll be back in a minute."i tell her and walk towards the house before she can respond.

I knock on the door and enter the house. I walk in to see Bonnie and her mom speaking. And it looked like they were both about to cry. I am about to leave when i hear my name being called.

I turn to see Abby with curiosity in her eyes. She comes and walks up to me and gently holds my hands and says, "Wow. A Banshee. Have your powers started to come through yet."

I nod my head, and she continues, "The legends will come true."

"Im sorry, what?"i question.

"There was a story passed down through generations that there would be a remarkable young woman, who has been through a great deal. But she would be a Banshee with abilities like a witch and..." she trails off.

" Let me guess, a hybrid." I say, and shocked expressions cover her face.

Suddenly, i feel a sharp pain in my chest.i look down to see a stake embedded in my heart. The world around me starts to become fuzzy. The last noise i hear is a gunshot. Then im sourounded by darkness.


I wake up with a gasp, letting my lungs fill with oxygen again. I sat up and quickly looked down at my heart to see if the stake was there, but there wasn't.

Looking around at my surroundings, i don't recognise anything in the room, but it is a beautiful bedroom. Im sitting on a king-size bed. I hear someone breathing near the door, so i look up to see Nik.

He has a small smile on his face, and i get up and hug him. I pull away, look up to his blue eyes, and says "When you have a plan, could you make sure i dont end up staked please."

"Yes. I will 100 per cent make sure that doesn't happen again. But apart from that, how was your birthday."

"It was ok. Only you, Stefan, and Caroline know. It's slightly upsetting that my own mother or brother didn't say anything, but you know." I say trying to act like it doesn't matter, but we both know it does.

"Come on love ive got something to show you." He says, and we both go downstairs.

We enter a room where there is a hybrid and four coffins. I stay by the door frame, still processing that he has finally got his family back.

"Are you going to open them?" The hybrid asks.

"Not quite yet." Nik replies, walking towards me, "i still have some unfinished business to take care of."

"What business -" the hybrid cuts himself off as he gasps in pain. A shocked look appears on both mine and Niks faces.

He falls to the floor, dead. With Elijah holding his bloody heart in his hand.

"So Niklaus..."


"What did i miss."

Im still standing there shocked and absolutely speechless.

"Amethyst, what are you doing here?" Elijah asks with confusion and concern.

He turns to Nik and says, "You look surprised to see me. So it wasn't you who removed the dagger from my chest."

"You look like you need a drink, and we have a lot to discuss, so shall we." Nik says carefully.

But all of a sudden, Elijah vamp speeds and punches him around the face. He throws Nik through the door behind him.

Crouching, Nik says breathless. "Easy. I have just finished renovating." And then Nik leapes and tackles Elijah.

I just simply backed away, not wanting to deal with any more drama today. This is not a good birthday, at all. I walk upstairs and into the bedroom i was in minutes ago. But i come so a sudden holt when i see the door.

It has a beautiful paint design on it. Flowers and butterflies and in the centre my name. It was beautiful. I walk in and look around the room. There is a piano next to the window and a door leading to my own bathroom. Next to my bed there is an easel with a canvas and paints on a small table, organized nicely.

I can't believe Nik did all of this. I go over to the piano and start playing with the keys and the different notes.

After a while, it hear someone clear their throat. I turn to see Nik and Elijah. I look back at the piano and say "its good to see that you both are not fighting anymore."

"And i am truly sorry that you had to witness that, Amethyst." Elijah apologizes.

"It is ok. Try and live with the Salvator brothers, fighting over the same girl." I chuckle to lighten up the mood.

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