Chapter 17:Together

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Disclaimer:Don't own Glee

Finn's pov:

I woke up the next morning and felt a small figure lying next to me. I looked over to see Rachel sleeping. I lean over and plant kisses on her neck until she begun to squirm and looked up at me.

F:"Good morning,beautiful!"


F:"How are you feeling?"

R:"Good. How did you sleep?"

F:"I slept great!"

R:"Well come on,we have to get ready for school."

F:"Uh,okay." I said before getting out of bed and walking into the bathroom.

Rachel's pov:

I was actually dreading today a little bit. I know Finn wants everyone to know we are a couple and it's close to graduation,but I can't help but think the worse. I love Finn. I really do. But all I can think about is the "what ifs". I push my thoughts aside when I seen Finn walk in from his shower. He had a towel wrapped around his hair and one around his waist. I marveled over his abs and muscles. Before he noticed I was looking at him,I walked past him and into the bathroom to take my shower.

Finn's pov:

After about 15 to 20 minutes,Rachel came out of the shower with only one towel wrapped around her whole body. I couldn't help but to stare at her. She begun to blush as I continued to look at her. I knew Rachel was insecure about herself. She's absolutely beautiful. Luckily,my phone started to ring. I walked over to it and seen it was Kurt.


K:"Hey Finn."

F:"Hi Kurt!" I said and Rachel looked at me. I guessing wondering what he wanted. I shrugged my shoulders and listened to Kurt.

K:"Finn. Have you heard from Rachel?"

F:"Uh. She's right here." I said as Rachel sat down on the bed.

K:"Really! Why?"

F:",her dads came home early and caught us. Then, they uh..."


F:"They kicked her out and now she lives with me." I said.

K:"What?!" He yelled. Before I could say anything, Rachel took the phone. I couldn't really tell what they were talking about. The only thing I got was from Rachel when she said,"Alright Kurt. I'll tell him. Bye!" Then she hung up. I gave her a confused look.

R:"Kurt wants us to come a few minutes earlier because he wants to tell us and Quinn and Santana something."

F:"What does he want to tell all of us?" I asked.

R:"I don't know. But,come on we have to go."

F:"Okay." I said. After about another 15 minutes,we were both completely ready and on our way to the school,20 minutes earlier.

Kurt's pov:

The reason why I called Finn and the others was to tell them to come to the school early was so I could tell to them to let the school know that they are together. I texted Santana and Quinn to come early too and they said they were own their way. I just hope they all agree. It's for the best. I also feel bad that Rachel's dads kicked her out the house. But she seemed happy over the phone. I arrived at the school just as Quinn and Santana pulled up. Finchel was already there.

K:"Hey guys!"

R:"Hey Kurt!"


S:"Sup Lady Hummel!"

K:"I called y'all because I think that both couples in front of me should be open about their relationships. Today!" I said to them.

S&Q:"What!?" Finn and Rachel both stayed silent. I guess Finn told Rachel already then.

K:"Calm down. Here me out. Graduation is only 4 weeks away. I think that it would be best to let others know. And if they don't take it well,it doesn't matter because school is almost over. Come on you two,what is there to lose!"

R:"Yeah. I think Kurt is right. Me and Finn was going to let everyone know today anyway. We have been talking about it for awhile. Come on guys. Just do it!" Rachel said. Santana and Quinn looked at each other trying to think if it was a good idea.



S:"We said okay. We'll do it!"

Q:"But how?"

R:"How about you two walk in first holding hands and then me and Finn follow taking all the attention off of you?"

F:"I think that is fair."

K:"Me too."

Q:"That's fine."

K:"Alright,come on. People are arriving." We all looked at one another and waited until the schoolyard cleared and everybody was inside. I went in first and waited for them to come in.

Santana's pov:

Kurt went inside before us. Me and Quinn waited a good 5 minutes before I took her hand in mine and walked into the school. Everyone turned to look at us and I started to get nervous. I looked over at Kurt and he gave us a thumbs up. People started to whisper and gave us mean looks. We walked to the end of the hall,waiting for Rachel and Finn to come in. Finally, all eyes was taken off of us. Here we go.

Rachel's pov:

Santana and Quinn just went in.

F:"Are you ready for this?" Finn asked as he grabbed my hand.

R:"Yes. You?"

F:"As long as I'm doing it with you. Everything will be okay babe!" I looked up at him and smiled.

R:"Okay. I'm ready!"

F:"Lets do this!"

I gave him a kiss before we took hands and walked through those doors that would change everything.

Kurt's pov:

Seeing everyone find out about Quinn and Santana,seemed to be a little hard for Santana. I knew she didn't really want to but I also know that she knew it was for the better. Hearing everyone talk about them, made me feel bad for them. I don't understand why people have to act like that. Soon their attention was brought to two other people coming in holding hands and smiling. Finn and Rachel.

Rachel's pov:

Finn and I walk in,holding hands,smiling at one another,and having normal conversation. We noticed that they all stopped talking and looked at us. But we didn't care. We were just two people in love and nobody's opinions mattered. Besides,you can't help who you fall in love with,can you! We continued talking,not worrying about anyone else. We see Kurt and the others waving at us to meet them,from down the hall. We go down the hall,ignoring all the negative remarks.

K:"How do you feel?" Kurt asked as we approached them.




F:"Great. Perfect." He said as he looked at me and gave me a quick kiss.


F:"What?" He said with a smirk.

R:"Look. Everyone seen that." I said looking around at people staring at us.


K:"Yeah Rachel."

Q:"What's the problem?"

S:"Everyone already knows."

R:"Okay. Fine." I said and kissed him. We all walked to class. Everyone looked quite shocked. As I looked at the others, I realized we were all happy and in this together.

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