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Sqaishey's POV

The last thing I remembered was falling over in the kitchen and seeing nothing but black. Hearing nothing but muffled screaming. Now all I could see was a white ceiling that had a bright light on it. The light wasn't on but just the sheer amount of white around it hurt my eyes terribly. I couldn't hear much to be honest. Only beeping, sirens, and footsteps. I was in a hospital alright. When I first woke up I tried to persuade myself that I wasn't. That it was nothing but a stupid, stupid dream. How I was wrong. Oh, how I was so wrong. Within the first thirty seconds of waking up I had so much stuff jabbed into me that I was shocked my arm wasn't covered in red dots.

My body also burned. According to my doctor I had a fever of fifty Celsius which, for teenagers like me, could be fatal. When he said that I burst into tears and wouldn't stop until they started to drip a see- though liquid into me, cooling me down slightly. I still had beads, no tidal waves of sweat rolling down my face at every second. It had already soaked though the top of the bright blue hospital sheet that they draped over my bare body. I still don't know where the hell my clothes are. They could be anywhere at this hospital.

That was around two hours ago. Now, I still had a thick layer of sweat covering my upper body, my nose was blocked, my mouth was dry, I was hungry, busting to go to the toilet, and my chest still hurt like crazy. It didn't hurt in a way that my chest felt 'tight' or anything, it was more of an aching pain. Like pin's and needles. When I first got this feeling I tried to ignore it but now it was just too painful to do that. I crossed my arms over my chest and groggily sat up, my head spinning. My stomach did a few flips before I was violently sick down myself. Ugh, I felt awful. Why was I like this? I pressed one of my hands to my head. It was liked I had touched a hot coal from a open fire. A small shock ran though-out my hand. How hot was I? I guess the drugs they pumped into my system didn't help that much...

The curtain that was surrounding my bed got tugged open and two nurses walked in, both holding clipboards. When they saw the vomit that was all down my front they both started to gently clean me up. I couldn't help but feel extremely embarrassed when they did so, especially when one of them had to un-button the back of my gown, aka sheet, and clean up my back. I don't really know how the vomit got onto my back yet I wasn't going to question it. I was way to tired to do so anyways. Once they finished cleaning me I flopped back down onto the hard mattress and shut my eyes. I felt the thin blanket being tugged over my body, a loud clicking sound, before I had a horrible sensation that I was being pushed forward. In my panic I opened my eyes, sat up, and almost fell onto the floor.

If it wasn't for the nurse who was standing by my side I would've done so. Why the heck was I being moved? What? What the hell was going on? A few seconds of nothing but confusion had passed when the bed slowed down outside of the long hall of bathrooms. The three nurses that were surrounding me slowly pulled me off from the bed and somehow managed to pull me into the bathroom. I sat down on the edge of the toilet with my head in my hands, trying my best not to throw up again. I felt as if it was going to happen at any moment.

While my head was in my hands I peeked though my fingers and stared over at what the nurses/doctors were doing. They were seething up a small, drip stand sort of thing right next to the shower head. I did need a shower but I didn't want to get naked in front of them. I mean, one of them probably changed me into the rag that I was wearing but I was knocked out! I didn't know that they were doing so! One of them then ran over to me, slowly pulled me up and over to the shower. My heart started to slowly sink.

"C-Can I shower alone?" I croaked out. As I spoke my throat felt like somebody was stabbing it from the inside, out.

"Sure. There is a black button there if you need anything. Okay?" I nodded weakly and stared at them as they walked out of the bathroom, and back out into the hallway. I did feel a bit scared, as the bathrooms were right by the hallway! meaning anybody could come in here and see me in the nude at any time. I just hoped that somebody was standing outside the bathrooms so that couldn't happen.

Sqaishey and Stampy: Forgotten FeelingsWhere stories live. Discover now