The Day After

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Sqaisheys POV

Cold. I was cold. That's all I could feel. I stared at myself in the mirror. I had a large bruise covering my left eye, a cut that started on the bottom of my lip and ended just below my neck. There was also a faint, yellow, hand shaped bruise that was around my right shoulder. Small patches of my hair had been pulled out so I had multiple bald patches all over my scalp. I didn't even want to see the rest of the injuries that I had all over my body. I could feel them. It wasn't a nice feeling either.

Shakily, I lifted up my top until I could see my stomach. Half of my stitches were hanging out with dried blood on the edges of them. Three, large, vaguely foot shaped, light green marks were on my stomach as well as one of them covering the right side of my rib cage. I still remember when that girl stomped on me there. It was the point in which I called Stampy for help. I'm so glad that he actually came. I thought I was going to have to spend the night in that alley, silently crying, not knowing what to do.

I squeezed my eyes shut in a bad attempt to blink back the tears that were threatening to spill over. I couldn't cry yet. I pulled down my shirt and, for a moment, was tempted to look down at my legs. Yet I had a feeling that...It would just make me even more upset. I sat down on the very edge of the toilet and buried my head in my hands. This is what I get for running away, huh? I try and escape the things that were making me depressed and I just get even more hurt. Not physically...But mentally as well.

If it was my choice I would just go home right now. Yet if I did that I would just be in even more trouble. How did those three pictures of us even get leaked online anyways? Who took them? Was it the same girl? I wouldn't be that shocked if it was. What did I do to make her so mad at me? Did I say something to her? Did I even know her?! I just don't know...Though the gaps in between my fingers I looked down at my feet. They too were bruised and cut up. There wasn't a part of my body that wasn't badly damaged. If I did to back to my parents they wouldn't really care that much though. They would be more concerned about why I was dating somebody almost ten years older than me...I loved him though!

I only had two boyfriends in my whole life before Stampy. The first one broke up with me and the second one...Well...I'm still dating him. His forcing me to. I want to break up with him but I'm way to scared! He's already...No! I can't dwell on that one time. I deserved it. I was horrible to him. I deserved every single bruise that I got from him. A tear rolled down the side of my face. The same thing almost happened in that alleyway. Even though I don't think Imknow her I'm sure as soon as I find out who she is then...I will most likely remember the thing which made me deserve what I got.

There was a loud, but gentle, knock on the door. I hesitated opening it, out of fear that Stampy would tell me to go to the police. Another knock. Sighing, I stood up and opened the door a crack. Stampy stood in the doorway. Dried tears stuck to his face, his hair was messed up, and he smelt ever so slightly of vomit. Had...Had he been sick? He slowly wrapped his arms around my body and brought me close into his chest. His heart was pounding though his short, I could feel it.

"Sqaishey...Sqaishey...I'm so glad that you made it...You...You need to tell me what happened I'm afraid...You have to." He ran his fingers though my now thinning hair before kissing me on the top of the head.

"Do I have to...It's horrible!" I whimpered in reply. I was terrified. As soon as I told him he was going to go straight to the police.

"You're not gonna like this but I also need to call your parents." I felt a pang of fear flare up inside of me. No...NO! He couldn't tell my parents. They were going to kill me! I backed away from him and was about to slam the door shut so I could have a few more minutes of since but just as I was doing so Stampy stuck his leg out in front of him. The hard edge came into contact with his shin causing him to cuss loudly. "F**k! F**K! That hurt like f**king sh*t! Ugh, Sqaishey! Why would you do that." I knew what was going to happen next. Whenever I got into a fight like this with my boyfriend it would always end with him...Doing something to me.

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