Asking Her Out

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Stampys POV

It had been two hours since the power came back on, yet it was almost the middle of the night, and all the lights on the street were out because of it. Tomorrow night though...Would hopefully be the best night of my life. With all my heart I wanted to ask Sqaishey out on a date for tomorrow night yet I had a feeling that she would reject me. I mean...We've kissed. And we both admitted that we had crushes on each other so...We were dating, right? Right?

Nevertheless I was still going to pluck up the courage and ask her out. I had already planned where we were going. Bowling. It may have sounded stupid, and in had a odd feeling that it was. But maybe she would like it. I rolled over in my bed to stare down at her. She was fast asleep, curled up in a ball and breathing deeply. I run my fingers over her cheek before curling up next to her. She mumbled something before turning around to face me. We made eye contact for ages, not wanting it to end.

I wrap my arms around her and pull her ever so slightly closer to me. When she tensed up though I pulled away and played around with a loose strand of her hair, before running my hands though it multiple times, utterly ruining the look of her high up pony-tail. It seemed that she didn't care though. All she did was rest her head on the same pillow as mine and eventally fall asleep. After a while I did as well. And it was probably the best nights sleep that I had gotten in a long time.

When I woke back up Sqaishey wasn't in the bedroom at all. The only sign of her was the warm patch that was right in front of me. I rolled over in the bedsheets and glanced at the time. 9:30 . Jeez, it was still quite early. Even for me. I rolled out of bed and walked over to my wardrope. I pulled out a grey jumper and a pair of black skinny jeans. After quickly changing into them I stuffed my PJ's back into the wardrope and stumbled into the kitchen. There was no sign that Sqaishey had stepped foot in there. The same went for the living room.

The only other place she could have been was the bathroom. So I walked down the narrow hallway until I got to the door of the room. It was closed and coming from behind the thin door, as well as thin walls, was the sound of some water running. I knocked on the door and waited for some kind of reply.

"H-Hello?" It was defiantly Sqaishey. I could tell by the voice even though it sounded slightly dry.

"Don't worry, it's only me. Just wondering where you were. Are you alright?" I asked.

"Y-Yes!" She replied.

"Alright. I'll be in the kitchen." I said, walking away. I stepped back into the kitchen and started looking though all of the breakfast stuff that we had. We didn't really have that much. Only some ceral that was out of date. I glanced over at the clock on the wall. 9:40. If I ran, I could get to the nearby McDonalds and maybe get some breakfast from there. And be back before Sqaishey finished in the bathroom. I grabbed my coat, shoes, money, and ran out into the rainy morning. There was some thunder still ringing out every so often, which made me jump every single freaking time.

When I got the McDonalds I was relifed that they were still selling their breakfast meals. I ordered two sets of pancakes as well as some strawberry smothies to take out. After waiting around for another ten minites they gave me my food in their brown paper bag and gave me my change. I immdently put the five pound note in my pocket before running back to the small apartment. When I reached the large block of buildings I opened up the front door using my key and stepped into the old and creeky lift. I knew that at any moment it was bound to break, yet it was much better than climbing up seventy-two flights of stairs mutiple times a day.

As I neared the top floor, the lift made a loud whipping sort of sound before it stopped moving. I stood by the doors, waiting for them to open, when they didn't. I pressed the 'open doors' button that was next to all of the numbers. Still nothing. Shaikly, I set down the paper bag and started to pull the thick, iron doors away from each other. The lift was halfway onto the top floor, yet half of it was still stuck in the concrete section of the floors. I was going to have to climb out! Before I did so I pressed the top floor number, which happened to be thirty, around a million times. Still nothing.

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