Chapter 32

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"Bradley" I walked downstairs. "Ashleigh" he mimicked me "I want to leave" I sat on the couch next to him. "What do you mean, leave?" He asked all concerned "i want to leave this world!" I started crying "what happened?" He hugged me "everything! Everyone is getting in my head, Jessie is being a huge dick. I just wanna leave" I cried on his shoulder "Connor" Bradley yelled as he walked back downstairs.

James Tristan and Connor had left to give brad and I some space.

"Connor. You're her boyfriend. Please help" brad said "okay. Ash. We love you, we really do. If you look past the haters then there's a bunch of people who love you. Please don't do this to yourself. It's gonna hurt you more then anyone else" he said "Connor" I wiped away a few tears "thank you" I finished "thanks Connor" Bradley said.

Both Connor and I decided to go to bed since it was really late and we were both tired.

"Ash, I love you lots and you know that. Since you've been feeling really down lately and us guys can't help you 100% I thought that another group of idiots could try. Ashleigh, will you come with me to see and meet, all time low?" Connor asked as my face went blank. "Are you serious? Oh my fuck. Connor. I love you but you didn't have to do this. You're amazing. You know that right!?" I freaked out "of course I had to! You once told me that they're the only other people keeping you alive. Alex sorta knows about what's happening to you and he's gonna help you. You're welcome" Connor said "you told him? Connor. Oh god thank you for everything Connor! Thank you for sticking by me. I love you so much" I hugged him.

The next morning I woke up to see Connor was already up. Which doesn't surprise me because it was 11:45AM and the band had a bunch of stuff to do today.

I just laid there thinking about random stuff before deciding to go on Twitter.

'Waking up in a bed without Connor is so depressing' I tweeted and seconds later a bunch of tweets came up 'did you break up?' 'What happened?' And so on so I explained it 'The boys had things to do this morning and I only just woke up. We're still together!!'

I figured I should get up and do something with my life so I called Emmzy.

"EM!!! I'm bored, the guys left, please hang out with me!!!" I begged her

"Okay. I'll be around soon. Just let me shower and get dressed" she said "k. I gotta do the same. See ya soon" I hung up.

I showered and got dressed in some black shorts, one black thigh hi sock since I had the cast going up to just above my knee (since I did something to the bottom of my knee as well as ankle), a black tank top singlet thing and one of Connors black jumpers. Lots of black!! :)

I got downstairs as the doorbell rang and of course I was expecting it to be Emmzy so I called come in but it turned out to be a couple police?

"Are you Ashleigh-Rose Simpson?" One asked "yeh that's me why?" I quietly said as I felt like crying "we found your father" I felt my knees get weak "and?" I asked "we found him with your brother, bradley. One of his band members called us saying he got taken by his father. We need you to tell us everything you know about him" they said as I sat down "I don't know much about him since I blew him from my mind years and years ago when he walked out but this isn't the first time something like this has happened. He bet up my brother when we were in Scotland. The thing was bradley left Scotland and dad wouldn't touch my sister and I. That's all I know about him, he's an evil guy" I said "thank you Ashleigh. We'll try to find your brother" the cops said leaving as Emmzy walked him. "What happened?" She asked "my dad" I said.

As soon left after I grabbed my crutches since we were walking quite a lot.

"So what's been going on with you and Brad. I want details" I said as we reached the mall. "What do you mean?" She acted dumb "cmon! I heard him come home at 3AM after saying he was going out with you. He left at 7PM. What happened?" I asked "well" she started "if you two were fucking or something I'm leaving right now" I said as her eyes popped out of her head with shock on what I just said "you did not just say that in public" she shook her head laughing "I swear to god if you two were up all night fucking each other I will throw up" I said "we didn't. Don't worry. Besides we're older than you" she said "I don't care. He's my brother, you're my friend. Do anything like that and I will leave you both" I said.

It soon started pouring down rain so Emmzy dropped me at home.

"Hey guys" I walked inside seeing the boys on the couch "hey" they all said "wait. There's four of you. BRADLEY" I screamed "are you okay?" He asked me "of course I am. Are you?" I asked concerned "yeh. The only reason I didn't fight getting away from dad is he threatened to hurt you then the police came" he said.

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