Chapter 43

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It's been ages since I've seen my mum. I mean Natalie goes down and sees her quite a bit since the hospital is on the way to Harry's place but as for Brad and I we haven't seen her for ages! But that was about to end today as we were going to drive into London to see her.

I was woken up at about 7:30 and the last thing I wanted to do was get up!

After lots and lots of convincing Connor finally got me to get up but I felt so sick and so tired that I really couldn't be bothered doing anything.

I mean of course I got dressed but I looked like I was homeless or something.

I literally put on some sweatpants, band shirt, flannel and some converse.

I was too lazy to do my hair so I left it as it was, in a messy bun with my fringe how it always is and I put my glasses on because I don't want to have to worry about contact lenses.

By 8:15 we were all ready to leave. Yes ALL. She's practically a mum to all the boys so why shouldn't they go visit her. Plus we were all going to go shopping in London anyway.

"Cmon ash you should drive" Brad said "no thank you. I reckon I'm going to pass out as it is I don't want your lives in my hand" I truthfully said.

After a 5 minute debate the boys agreed that Connor should drive, well everyone but Connor agreed on it but he drive anyway.

Since Shelly and Chloe stayed around last night they decided to join us.

Basically the trip was boring I slept and god knows what the others did.

The whole time mum was talking to the boys about the band well at least she was until she made contact with me right as the baby kicked which caused me to jump a tad.

"What was that?" Mum asked "the baby has decided that she likes this dipshit so most times when he has his hand on my belly the baby kicks" I told her "hold up. She?" Mums eyes popped out of her head "yeh. We found out the other day that it's a baby girl" I smiled.

Honestly I was shocked that mum was so surprised and happy at the news that we were having a baby girl.

I mean she's been a tad negative about the whole thing and it was so nice for her to not be so negative about something!!

We stayed as the hospital for as long as they would let us as mum had some thing she had to do. I don't know I wasn't listening.

We ended up at a huge shopping center and as much as I loved getting out of Birmingham every now and then I wasn't in the mood to be here. All I wanted was to be in bed! But of course everyone else was having a good time so I acted like everything was okay and didn't complain for their sake.

"You don't wanna be here do you?" Connor smirked as he knew he was right "how on earth did you know that?" I asked him "cmon I've known you forever I think I'd be able to tell your moods by now" he said "but seriously, why didn't you just say you didn't feel well?" He questioned "I dunno. Everyone was excited to come here and I didn't want to ruin all your days because I didn't feel well" I answered "you're such a sweet person aren't you" he smiled at me "only when I wanna be. The rest of the time I'm a bitch" "yeh I can't disagree with that" he said jokingly but we both knew he was slightly telling the truth

I loved how supportive Connor was. It was kinda cute since he would ask me every 5-10 minutes of I was okay and how I felt. It was just so cute to see how much he cared.

"I'm fine Connor. You know I'd tell you if I wasn't" I said "sorry, I just care about you a lot and want to make sure you're alright" he said "And I appreciate that. Thank you" I smiled to him.

We were on the way back home and for some reason I was driving?
I swear I refused many many times but they wouldn't take no as an answer and well I'm freaking out!!! Oh and I'm driving but mainly freaking out!

We finally got home and I was mentally dying.

Call it whatever you want but driving TERRIFIED me. I'm fine if someone else is driving but when I'm driving that another story.
I hate having their lives in my hands. Knowing my luck something bad will happen and I don't want the people I love to get hurt for something that was my fault.
It was just wayyyy to much pressure for me. It may sound stupid as fuck to you and that's fine but as soon as someone suggests that I should drive I just wanna cry at the thought of something happening.

I honestly wouldn't let go of Connor. I just wanted to hug him forever and ever

"What's wrong?" He asked "nothing. I just never want to leave your arms" I lied but still told the truth "what's the real reason your not letting go of me" he said "it's stupid" I looked down "cmon I'm sure it's not" he said so I gave in and told him.

"Why didn't you just explain that earlier. You wouldn't have had to drive then" "it's not really something I want everyone to know. Not even my closest friends" I admitted "you seemed fine the other day" He said with a questioned expression "it's a little less stressful when there's not as many people in the car but I was still nervous as fuck" I admitted "aww ash" Connor said hugging me tighter "I love you" I said "I love you too" he kissed my cheek.

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