Chapter 16

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it was currently 6:40AM and over the past week I had been going for a morning walk/jog with James which has been quite nice. We were such close friends and we'd always have fun and joke around plus the doctor said its probably a good idea to do some exercise and everything.

"Ash?" Connor questioned sleepily "hey con" I said "what are you doing?" he asked "I'm going out for a jog with James remember? Is it okay if I steal your jacket?" I asked "sure darling. hat time will you be back?" he asked I don't know about 8:30" I looked at the time on my phone "when you get back you gotta come back to bed and cuddle with me" he sounded sleepy "of course I will. I'll see you soon boo" I kissed his forehead "Ashleigh" he said "yes Connor?" I asked "i love you" he said looking at me with sleepy eyes "I love you too Connor" I said before getting dressed.

I met James down in the living room and we were off.

We somehow got to the topic of Shelly and James was pretty much going on about how perfect she is and how much he loves her which was really cute. What? I was a sucker for love.

"You think she's a keeper?" I asked "I bloody hope so! I don't want to relive what happened in the last relationship I was in" he said "trust me James, Shelly loves you way too much to cheat on you" I advised him.

It got sorta awkward and we didn't really have much to talk about.

"do you know where Aurora has been lately? She hasn't come around in a few weeks and she wont answer mine and Shelly's texts and calls" I asked him "that probably has something to do with the fight Tris and her had a while back" he told me "what? why am I just hearing about this?" I asked shocked out of my mind "yeh they're on a break. Would've thought he'd tell you if not Connor" he said "what happened exactly?" I asked curious "I don't completely know but with what he's said she was out kissing other guys and everything" James told me "but that doesn't sound like her" I was a little confused since I know aurora wouldn't do something like that "i know. I guess you don't really know a person as well as you think" James said "true. Why do you think Tristan didn't tell me?" I asked "you know Tris. He tries to be strong and brave and doesn't really like showing when he's upset" James made a point "I just hope he's alright" I really did feel sorry for him "trust me he's not alright" James said "what do you mean? What's wrong?" I was real concerned "he has been acting quite weird since they broke up and he hasn't been getting much sleep. I can't tell if he is but the signs make it seem like he's quite depressed about it" he told me "God he better not be. I've been down that road numerous times and it doesn't always end very good. I don't want to see him go through what I did" I admitted "since you get what's he's possibly going through why don't you go talk to him later today?" He asked "trust me I will. He's always been my big brother, there for me when I need. Now it's time for me to be a supportive little sister" I said "you love making people happy" James laughed "I don't wanna see anyone I love go through what I did" I laughed back "you're an amazing person" James put an arm around my shoulder as we walked "by the way, that includes you. If you ever want someone to vent to or anything I'm here for you" I smiled "and I'll forever be here for you ashy" he smiled back.

I loved James. He was my big brother. I'm honestly so grateful that I can say I'm friends with someone as sweet as him.

We got home and I cuddled up with Connor, like promised then once we were both awake and up I went in to see Tristan whilst Connor went to wake up Lewie.

"Can I talk to you?" I poked my head in Tris' room after knocking "sure come in. What's up?" He asked. James was right he didn't sound as happy as usual. "I heard what happened the other week" I paused "I'm fine Ashleigh" he advised me before I could continue "no Tristan. You're not" I looked him dead in the eyes causing him to quietly snap "what makes you think you know my life better then me?" He asked "I know what it's like to feel like a while part of you has disappeared and I know that saying you're fine is one of the biggest lies someone could say. Why won't you admit you're not okay?" I asked as he looked down "I don't like sharing my feelings. You know that" he said "I know you like to act really brave and strong and yeh you are brave and strong but everyone gets a little if not very heartbroken a few times in their life. You loved her. She hurt you. Don't act like it didn't hurt you. Underneath all this toughness you shield yourself in there's a soft boy who will want to cry. Wether it's happy tears or sad you can't fight it forever Tristan. Not everyone needs to know how hurt you are but you should at least tell your friends. We won't think anything less of you if you admit you're sad but it does hurt a little when you don't" I told him as I saw a tear fall down his cheek and off his chin "you're right. It hurts. I loved her with all my heart and she just smashed it. I can't help but to think what I did wrong. I hate myself for what happened. It's all my fault" he rubbed his eyes "aw sweetheart. It's not your fault. Never blame yourself. You're an amazing person and I'm sure any girl would be lucky to have you. She messed up and it's her loss. Please don't isolate yourself from the world and become depressed like I did. I care about you and don't want to see you suffer the way I did" I held tightly on to his hand "it's too late" he quietly said "Tristan! What did you do? Please don't tell me you hurt yourself" I was almost in tears "life is shit without her" he said as I rolled up his sleeve to see a numerous amount of bandaids covering his arm "Tristan. Please tell me you're joking. Don't do this! I love you and don't want to see anything bad happen to you" I was in tears hugging him as tight as possible "it's like a drug. Once you start, you can't stop until it kills you" he said sadly "I won't let you do this. Where is it?" I asked but no answer "Tristan I'm not joking. Tell me where it is!" I demanded "no. I can't tell you" he said "fine then. Please just come with me" I held my hand out for his and after a few looks he finally gave in and took my hand.

I dragged him down into the basement and handed him drumsticks.

"Everyone has a razor that isn't a razor and yours is drumming Tris. Give me the razor and I promise I'll buy you brand new custom drumsticks" I told him "it's not this easy. You know that" he stopped making eye contact with me "I know Tristan. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to sound so demanding but you are too good to feel this way. You have a perfect complexion, don't ruin it with scars. You're an amazing person and I can't bare to see you like this" I hugged him with tears running down my face.

Honestly I could not believe this was happening- I didn't want to. My brother is trying to kill himself. I knew I couldn't change his mind and I don't know what's going to

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