Chapter 18

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"Morning darl' sleep well?" Connor asked as I woke up "I slept perfectly in your arms all night" I smiled "just making sure if a robber tries to break in then they won't take a beautiful angel like you" Connor sat up with me "you are so sweet. I don't want to leave you" I said "I don't want you to leave either babe. But you need to be edumacated. And sadly that means attending high school" he said "obviously you've been weakly edumacated" I joked "I've been very talley edumacated thank you very much" Connor came around my side of the bed lifting me up bridal style taking me downstairs.

I finally got dressed for school in a pair of black ripped skinny jeans and a white, maroon sleeved 3/4 baseball tee. I may or may not have stolen it from Connor shh. Don't tell him. Then I threw on some Union Jack converse and went downstairs.

"You ready?" James asked "I guess" I faked a smile "don't say that. It'll be over before you know it" Tristan said "that's the thing. You guys leave in a week. I'm gonna miss you too much" I quietly said the last part.

The guys dropped me at school since I hated busses for some reason and I didn't want to walk then they left.

I hated when they left. I always feel so safe and protected around them and then when they leave they take all that with them. I literally felt like a 17 (almost) year old standing in the middle of the parking lot scared to death. And sadly that's what I was.

I finally started walking over to the building and a few girls came up to me.

"Hey" they said "um hi" I looked down "what's wrong? We won't hurt you" a blonde haired one said "last time I was at school something really bad happened costing me my life almost and I am a little terrified of schools now" I told her.


I walked out into the parking lot with the girls i met this morning and saw Tradley in the car mucking about. "Hey did you wanna come around?" I asked "sure that'd be cool" Caroline said "yeh I'm up for that" Gwen followed.

We drove back to my house and the boys were embarrassing me the entire way home.

"Did you know Ashleigh use" Bradley started "no! Stop! Shut up!" I laughed "I'm just stirring you up" Bradley rubbed my arm.

We got home and there was a car in the drive way. "Who's car?" I asked "I don't know" Bradley said looking confused.

We went inside and I saw Connor and James sitting on the couch. "My baby boy" I fell on top of Connor pretty much "my princess" he kissed my top lip.

The girls soon left since they got loads of homework but I didn't. I don't know why but that's what happened. As they left James asked me about school "did anything happen at school?" "I had ran into Hannah literally, by mistake of corse and she sorta pushed me over and gave me a death glare while pointing to me then the ground pretty much telling me I'm going down" I replied to James "it's only gonna get better" Tristan tried comforting me "no it's not. She's out to kill me" I said almost crying as Bradley got a call from joe so they had to take it. All except Tristan had left to go upstairs and talk to him. "She's not out to kill you" Tristan assured me "not herself. She's abusing the fuck out of me trying to get me to kill myself so it's not murder but suicide" I said as a tear dropped down my face "show me your wrists" he said sounding hurt "no" I refused "Ashleigh" he sternly said "fine" I gave in showing him the scars and cuts along my wrist "don't let them win" he held my hand "they've already won" I started crying "because you let them. I love you a lot ash but you need to stick up for yourself. Show them who's boss" Tristan kept calm "it's a little hard when I have a panic attack every time I see them. I can't do anything. I chock up, I can't breath, all I can and want to do is run away. Only bad thing is I can't run all the way" I mumble the last part "please. I know if makes you feel good. Or at least that's what your trying to imply but we love you. Don't let 3 jealous bitches take over your life" Tristan said and I just hugged him crying into his shirt "I love you Tristan I love you a lot. But please do not tell any of the others about this" I looked up at him "promise" he gave in.

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