Chapter 13

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I climbed out of my window, which luckily was the room that had that little ladder thing right near the window. I reached the ground and started running towards the Main Street part of town.

Before I could leave the yard a looked back and thought about what I was doing for a second before running away.

I stupidly brought my phone with me and all I got was calls from Bradley.

Why can't he just leave me alone? He already made me feel bad why would he want me to feel even worse? I hate him so freakin much right now. But I love him.

I don't even know what to do right now.

I had tears rolling down my face as I was running through our local park. I was regretting ever second of this but I didn't want to turn back now. Not after what just happened at home.

I found a large tree around where nobody was and sat down thinking.

Somehow it slipped my mind that maybe Connor doesn't like me anymore? I mean ever since we got together we haven't been that close. We use to be inseparable but now, he hardly kiss, we hardly hug, we don't even talk that much.

Have we lost 'our spark?'

Maybe being together wasn't such a good idea.

What if we're not meant to be together as boyfriend, girlfriend? What if he just didn't like me?

I was probably just overthinking.

Yeh I was. Well at least that's what I tried to tell myself to feel better.

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