Chapter 8

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Today sucked! It's only 9AM and I just woke up but it sucks!!

Why you ask?

For starters today is the last day in America which means I'm leaving my mother and trust me no matter how much you fight with your mum and tell her you hate her if something's wrong with her and she's in hospital then you want to be by her side as much as you can!
Then you've got the fact that it's my last day with my baby boy for 3 months whilst the boys tour in America, Australia and New Zealand!
And finally I literally just found out that as soon as I get home forget jetlag. Forget unpacking. Forget resting cause I have to study for my tests I have to pass before I become a kindergarten teacher!

"Morning princess" Connor tightly held me as close to his body as he could whilst kissing my forehead "morning" I faked a smile laying right next to Connor "what's wrong?" He asked "don't get me wrong I love the fact that you get to preform and make music but I hate seeing you leave. Today's our last day for 3 months" I frowned "then today's gonna be a special day spent with my special girl" he kissed me as we sat up "I love you Connor. Thank you. Also did you mean special as in I'm special to you or I'm mentally special?" I giggled "bit of both I guess" he smirked "you are such a dickhead why am I going out with you?" I laughed whilst I faked being offended "cause you love me and you think I'm handsome and you were desperate so you settled for the first guy you saw" Connor joked around "you weren't meant to know about that" I joked back and with that we went to get breakfast.

We invited Shelly and James over this morning cause it was a little lonely even though Connor and I muck around and are total children.

While we were eating breakfast Connor randomly decided that after breakfast he was going to do my hair for me. "Are you sure you know how to do it?" I asked "no but I've seen you do it a billion times. Shouldn't be too hard!" He smirked "you can do my hair if I can record it" I said "fine then record it. Then when I do your hair a billion times better then you, you can watch it over and over again trying to recreate it" he smiled "let's make this even more interesting. If you do my hair either 90% right or it's better then how I do it I'll do whatever you want but if you fail miserably you have to do whatever I say" I told him "you're on! I'm gonna win" he said like a child.

I set up my camera and everything in the hotel rooms living room area and we got started.

After Connor brushed and straightened my curly mop of hair he started parting it properly. Whilst doing this he accidentally slipped and poked me in the eye which left me laughing. "Wow I'm glad I don't do my makeup before my hair or I'd have mascara and eyeliner running everywhere" I laughed wiping the water from my eye "I knew there was something about you that wasn't right except for the fact your hair wasn't done. You're not wearing makeup" Shelly called out like an idiot as everyone laughed at her "couldn't you tell I have the whitest skin ever, all the goddamn acne over my face and the ugliness that's called 'Ashleigh's Real Face'?" I called over to her "I think you look pretty without makeup" Connor smiled "naw boo. That's sweet. Thank you" I smiled back as he pecked my lips.

Connor finally finished my hair and I got to admit it doesn't look as bad as I thought it would. It wasn't perfect but it wasn't terrible!

"How does it look?" I asked James and Shelly "actually looks really good!" They said "and since you did almost all of it right you win" I told him "told you I'd win" he gloated "you got lucky! What's your prize going to be?" I asked him "I've already gotten the best prize in the world. The best partner a guy could ask for" he kissed me "I swear you're the sweetest guy alive. I love you so much Connor" I said once our lips disconnected "I love you more Ashleigh" he smirked.

After that we ended up turning off the camera and we just sat down on the couch. We didn't speak. We didn't have to. We I sat in front of him as he wrapped his arms around my waist and I laid my head on his shoulder. It was perfect.

"Please don't leave me boo" I looked up at him pouting "I'm sorry darling but I have to. I promise I'll be back soon" he pouted back mocking me "just as long as you're back in time for our 13th friend anniversary" I smiled "you know I'd never miss something as important as that. Or your birthday" he winked "you are amazing. You know that right?" I giggled "I had a feeling I was. You gotta promise me that you'll Skype me before you sleep. I gotta say goodnight to my girl and see how your day was" he pulled me closer "I hate distance and time zones! I mean by the time you get off stage at night I'll be waking up. It sucks" I whined "aw darling it's okay. I promise no matter how tired I am after a concert or how early it is I will call you at least every night and morning, your time" he made me smile "if you don't then you're gonna be one dead man!" I joked "wow you're not obsessed with me at all are you?" He said sarcastically "I wouldn't say obsessed id say I love you with a passion" I smirked "so in other words obsessed?" He laughed "yeh pretty much. I can't help it have you seen yourself?" We joked

It wasn't long until we had to go to the airport.

We had flights that were 10 minutes apart so we all went together.

I was so protective when he left for tour. It's like I go into mum mode all of a sudden!

"Please be careful! Don't do anything too stupid! Don't get arrested!" I started rambling "Ashleigh. It's okay. I'm going to be fine. Besides I've heard you're long be care and don't get hurt speech numerous times babe" he laughed "sorry. I just care about you too much" I smiled "I love you ash. Be careful on your way home. Just remember your mine and no one else's" Connor pecked my lips "and you are mine. Make sure any girl who talks to you knows that you have an amazing girlfriend who will fight a bitch if she has to" I smiled.

After saying bye to Connor Brad quickly walked to me "forgotten your big brother?" He asked "trust me no one can forget you" I hugged him "come home soon" I mumbled "I'll be back as soon as possible. Please don't do anything stupid. I don't want to have to come home half way through tour because you're in hospital or dare I say it not even here at all" he said "I promise you will come home in 3 months and everything will be just the same as before" we broke our hug and the boys left.

Not long later we had to board our plane and go home.

We reached home very early in the morning and literally all dropped dead in our clothes!


I know boring whatever. I'm excited to write the next chapter #drama!!! Thanks for reading

- Chloe

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