Chapter 16

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So that just happened.

Connor and I are. Just friends. Best friends. I don't think I am ok with this. I mean yes we were best friends before but I love him too much to be just friends.

Con soon went home and I went inside to see everyone sitting on a couch staring at me as I entered.

"Did you talk to him? We heard yelling, did you fight? Are you ok?" Bradley ran to me "yeh I talked to him and he explained, yeh we fort, no I'm not ok" I said starting to cry "what happened?" He sat me down as Nat and her boyfriend talked. "He told me what happened and shit, then after a while we started yelling and I said why should we be together and we broke up. But were friends again. I can't be just friends with him. Especially with how I feel about him. As we were fighting he said something like its hard being in a relationship with me" I said "he has a point. Just listen. He told us the same thing. But. It's because your sometimes depressed and it's hard to be in a relationship with someone who's depressed. I hate seeing you when your sad and so does Connor. That's why it's hard for him to make you feel better. Then he will try to make you feel better and you'll convince yourself your a worthless piece off shit. Your not. Ash I love you but you needed to understand" Bradley said "thanks for telling me brad but I think I just want to be alone at the moment" I said running upstairs slamming the door to my room (at nats house).

//I use to live with Natalie until like 2 years ago when I moved back in with mum and bradley\\

I fell on my bed and went on twitter seeing all these tweets and picture of/about Connor and I fighting at the mall.

'They love each other they will fix it just leave them alone'

'#Conleighbreakup? What is this hashtag about? What happened?'

'Please tell me this is not real #conleighbreakup #conleighfight'

After reading some I decided to tweet a twitlonger

'So you guys have heard about the little fight that happened today but you don't know what it was about or anything really about it. There's something's we can tell you and something's we can't for privacy reasons. But I can tell you Connor and I have made up and were perfectly fine. Just like before. #conleighmakeup ??'

After I tweeted it Connor had sent a link to it 'couldn't have written it any better myself' he wrote with the link and I smiled.

'ily Connor xxx ☺️' I wrote him '😁 this is awkward. I (don't) love you. 😘😘' he wrote back.

Soon enough Bradley had walked into my room.

"What?" I asked him "gee so Connor gets I love you but I get attitude" he joked "anyway. I'm heading out for a while and wanted to know if you wanted to come?" He asked "uh sure. It'll give the 2 lovebirds some time alone. Where we going?" I asked "Tristan's. Joe said we need a new cover so we're gonna make a band one. Now let's go" he hurried me.

We got to Trissy's just as Connor did!

"Hey" I said to him as Bradley walked in and Connor stopped me pulling my arm back to him "you do know I still love you right?" He asked "I love you too" I said to him smiling "I'm so glad that you forgave me. I am sorry I didn't notice you earlier" "I love you too much to ever not forgive you" I hugged him and he hugged me back "are you guys like coming or am I gonna have to get a hose?" Tristan asked standing at the door "I'll get a hose. And spay your face with it" I said trying to sound sassy bit it fully failed.

The guys made their video and while they did I made a, highly requested, Q&A video with Milly.

"Hey guys I'm here with my baby sister Milly and we're gonna answer some questions" I said.

"First one. Oh and I didn't pick these out I'm just randomly clicking tweets. If you could be anyone else who would you be and why? You start mill" I said "I would be Miley Cyrus because I want her to grow her hair long and make it brown again" Milly said "yass. Anyway. I'd be you because I miss being a little kid and I honestly would love to be Tristan's little sister because he's so childish and it'd be fun" I said.

After a while Milly randomly picked a tweet and read it out "are you and Connor together or did you break up&what was the fight about?" She read out "uh" was all I said before Connor sat down next to me "yes. We are together. See we are sitting together. We're at Tristan's house together" he said and I couldn't help but to quietly laugh "your an idiot" I got out "you love me though" he claimed "sadly that's true. I do love you" I said still laughing.

I soon stopped and got back on with the video "and with what the fight was about, its really nothing just" I said before Connor butted in "my fault. I was a jerk. I thought you were freaking out with brad because, well I don't really know why, but I should've been paying attention to you instead of talking to my stupid cousins who hurt you. I'm sorry Ashleigh. I really am" Connor said "Connor. Don't blame yourself. It was my fault. You I thought they were being their slutty selves trying to flirt with you. I'm sorry I didn't let you explain earlier. I love you and I'm sorry" I said and the next thing I knew our lips were pressed together.

"I love you" he whispered as we both separated "I love you too" I whispered back smiling.

"What are we?" I asked "I don't know I guess we're just a couple screwed up teens" he said "what are we relationship wise?" I asked "screwed up teens" he smirked "wait. Where are the others? I" I asked "upstairs calling joe since he should've been here an hour ago" Connor said "I'm still here" Milly said "what you just saw, don't tell the others" I said "c'mon I think we should. I mean they are our best friends" he made a bit of a point "fine. Lets go now then" I said as he helped me get up.

"What went on down there?" James asked as the 3 boys looked at us "we made up, again sorta, and" I looked at Connor "and Ashleigh. Will you please be my girlfriend again? I love you and won't screw up this time" Connor said "Connor, your my best friend of corse I'll go out with you again" we hugged "but c'mon con, we all know you'd gonna screw something up" I joked "thanks for the support you dip ward" he said "anytime, jerk face" I said into his shoulder.

After a few minutes the guys decided to do a twitcam since joe was in hospital with his mum because she recently discovered she had cancer.

The guys, out of nowhere, thought that they should do some make up challenge thing.

"We'll get Ashleigh to do Connors make up and Connor to do Ashleigh's make up, Milly to do Tristan's and Tristan to do mills and James and I will do each other" Bradley said "I'll go get my make up I left in brads car. I'll be back" I called out running downstairs.

I soon returned with all my make up, it was in brads car because I asked him to bring it to Nats for me.

I started doing Connor's make up and he kept moving and wining.

"Hold still Connor I'm putting on the mascara. I'll end up poking you in the eye and I don't want to" I said "it hurts" he wined "please?" I asked "fine" he gave in.

Bradley's Little Sister ((Connor Ball The Vamps Fan Fiction))Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant