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Klaus took Caroline out of the rooftop because he wanted to start to preparing things so he could start to make what he thought of, all because of Caroline.

"Where are we going, Klaus?" Caroline asked confused.

"I need your help." Klaus said.

"In what? I know nothing about art. I just think it's nice to look at." Caroline whispered.

"So I be able to make what you just made me think of. So I can show something more than just a campus I will use the pointillist photomosaic style."

"Yeah... I'm kinda just understanding half of what you're saying but what do you need me to do?" Caroline asked.

"Thank you and don't worry. I'll make a painting for the auction. I know I still haven't send an email to confirm it."

"What? I'm helping you because I want it, not to get something in return. But I do appreciate you deciding to help me with this fundraiser thing." Caroline smiled.

"Caroline, you are truly remarkable." Klaus whispered, making Caroline blush.

"What can I do?"

"I need to have access to the photos of every single student of the campus."

"That's easy. I just need a laptop."

"Alright. Let's go to my dorm room." Klaus said and took her to his dorm room, then open the laptop and after turning it on and putting his password, he let Caroline seat in the desk.

"Feel free to use it."

"Are you sure? Is there any place I should not be allowed to see?"

"Love, there's no porn, if that's what you're asking me." Klaus smirked.

"So there is such a thing as a guy without porn in his laptop." Caroline said, making him laugh slightly to himself.


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"Okay. I'm just going to the Whitmore's website and log in so I can have access to the list of all students, which will have their respective photos. After that I will put all photos in a blank document so you can see everyone's picture and be able to print out." Caroline said to change the subject.

"Thank you, love." Klaus whispered.

"So... can you explain me why you need this? I hate to not know stuff." Caroline said, making Klaus smirk because he could relate with the hatred of being kept out of the loop.

"Of course, Love. My assignment is to find a way to design the view of the campus in an original way, being that painting, photography, drawing or something like that. You told me that I could make it Original by not only being about the campus but the people who see this as a second home which made me think of..."

"Pointillist photomosaic. Now, what is that?" Caroline said.

"Pointillism is a style of painting something by using just dots. Pointillism photomosaic style is very similar but instead of being just dots it will be photos of different things that when put together will create a bigger image that could be completely different from those small photos."

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