I was happy that he was slowly showing more maturity when it came to his guild master responsibilities. Yukino on the other hand didnt seem so thrilled about him leaving so suddenly. "What about us?!"

"Orga and Rufus should be back by now. " I cut in before an argument could start. Honesty, these two were much worse than children when it came to their outbursts. "Why dont you go help sting and I'll take the boys to train with Orga while I ask for Rufus' help."

Sting sent me a greatful smile and brightened at my suggestion. "Sounds good to me! Come on Yuki!" He grabbed her hand and began pulling her by the hand.

"Are you sure Lucy?" She called while allowing herself to be dragged up the steps towards the masters office.

"Positive. Go on, I can handle the kids from here." I gave her a wink knowing damn well they wouldn't be getting any work done. I didn't mind. I understood how much she loved the rambunctious guild leader. I longed to know the feeling myself again but now wasn't the time for that... For now, I needed to find Team Memory God. "Ok boys. You guys ready for training?"


"So you're saying that child is Rogue?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing. When I returned to the guild thus morning i didn't expect Lucy to show up with two children. I definitely didnt ecoect her to ask Orga to train them and I woukfve bever imagined the smaller one was out mms very own Shadow Dragon Slayer.

"Yup. He doesn't just look like a child... He is a child. He has the mind and magical control of a six year old but he still houses his adult magical power, he just... doesn't remenber how to use it. He doesn't remember anyone except Sting." I could see the hurt flashing through her eyes and wondered if she knew why she was being affected so strongly.

"I'm sorry." I offered. She met me with a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes and sighed.

"It's okay, we just have to find a way to fix him. That's what I wanted to talk to you about."

"I'll try my best to be of assistance to you." I said honestly. I did hope to help because frankly, seeing Rogue in this state freaked me out a bit.

"Thank you Rufus. So I've already got Freed, Levy, and my spirit Croux looking into it. Grandpa croux is loking in the spirit realm archives and my guildmates are in at the Alexean Vaticans."

I was surprised she had already devised a plan and begun exucuting it. I expected her to be completely at a loss, hoping i would do her work for her. But it seemed she was very determined to make things right.

"I shall board a train first thing in the morning and meet them there. The vaticans would be the best place to search. I would go immediately but, I have a few prior engagements that can't be put off I must see too first. I apologize deeply."

"It's fine Rufus. One day won't make a huge difference in the long run. And besides," I watched as the stunning woman standing in front of me glanced at the two dark haired children with a loving gaze. She looked at them the way I imagined a proud mother would look at her offspring. She was simply glowing and I couldn't help but be a bit envious of the sweaty boys who held her affections.

"I think it's a good thing Rogue is like this. As long as its not permanent that is." She added the last part in quickly causing me to chuckle. Obviously she meant well but her wording could've been better.

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