"I told you, I wouldn't make a good impression Tammy! His mom was so rude and stared at me like.. like... I can't even explain it!" I told her angrily.

"Really? I thought she was nice? These magazines are so deceiving! Where was Nick?"

"Huh! Mr Perfect was probably looking for his stupid girlfriend. And you know what? He has the nerve to be upset when I called Tyler to come pick me up! Does he have any right to do that? So infuriating!" I told her irritatingly.

"Tyler huh?" She asked with raised eyebrows.

"Yeah, he came about 10 minutes after I called him."

"Really? Hmm" she said looking at me weirdly. Tamara is very observant and I'm dying to know what's going through her head. She obviously won't tell me.

"What's with the look? And what are you thinking of?" I ask her, raising my eyebrows as well.

"Nothing. Nothing at all. C'mon , get out of that dress so we can binge watch 'The Originals' cause I know you won't stop thinking about that hot boss of yours."

"Yeah right" I said sarcastically as we got into my room. "I'm so glad it's the weekend Tammy. At least I don't get to see his annoying face till Monday." I told her as I walked round my room in only my underwear. "Goodness gracious, his mother drove me out like I was some gate crasher and then all of a sudden I'm the bad guy because Tyler shows up. The nerve of that guy!" Honestly, I was furious. I can't believe Nick.

"Calm down Ari, forget about it will ya?" She said and shot my pyjama shorts to me.

"By the way, the bank called.." she mentioned and my heart stopped beating for a split second. Were they about to come get our house?

"And?" I asked hesitantly.

"I didn't pick up. I don't want to hear them again. Ari, we can't lose this house. It's mom and dads. It has sentimental value. We just can't."

"We won't. I promise." I said with confidence and she smiled sadly.

"I'm sorry that I'm leaving all the work for you. I'm the older sister and I should be the one handling these things. I'm so sorry .. so sorry" she said and I knew we were both going to cry.

" Forget that. It's no big deal okay! Let's go watch 'The Originals' and gush about Marcel Gerard!" I said pulling her to the living room. The moment we got into the living room, the door bell rang and Tammy went to check it while I went to get some pop corn.

When I came back, I was shocked to see Zoey.

"Zoey! What are you doing here? And how do you know my house?" I asked her as she stood up and faced me. How did she get here?

"I- well, Nick gave me your address. I'm here to apologize for my mother's behavior. I'm so embarrassed. I'm sorry." She said apologetically..

Oh my God. "How did you know what your mom did to me?" I asked her curiously.

She scratched her forehead. "When I came back and didn't see you, and my friends had not seen you either, I got worried. Thought you must have lost your way. It's a big house, you know. So I checked the cctv footage and saw what happened. Goodness, I'm still mad at mama for what she did. I'm so sorry, Ari. She's never done that to any of my friends."

"It's fine! Really, but it's your birthday party.. you shouldn't be here. Go back now. And you don't need to apologize."

"No, I really did. It's unacceptable. And I'm not going back to that party. It's wack already. Oh I'm sorry for my manners, hello and thanks for letting me in!" She said smiling at Tammy which was standing by me. I totally forgot she was around.

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