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"We have time to go check out the Eiffel Tower if that's something you want to do?"

Phil looks up from his phone where he was busy checking to see if his video posted correctly as he sits with Dan in his pop-up trailer somewhere in the middle of Paris. Dan had been filming here for his new movie for a few weeks now and Phil has actually really enjoyed his time in Paris with Dan.

He'd never been prior to this but yet again, majority of the places he's had to go with Dan were places he hadn't been prior to being with him either. But now, nearly three years later. he's been to Shanghai, Tokyo, Melbourne, Manila, and even places in Europe he'd never ventured to.

But he's been traveling with Dan and that's something he'll forever love to do.

They're traveling more than they're ever home in London, but Phil doesn't entirely mind that. Spike is able to travel with them often but when they're gone for a few weeks at a time, he goes to stay with Martyn and his girlfriend Cornelia and their new little newborn. Spike loves the baby more than he loves his toys and Phil feels pride swell in his heart when he sees Spike run up to the baby.

"I'm down for going to the Eiffel Tower." Phil says with a smile.

Phil stands up from his chair and grabs his jacket from the back as he puts it on and feels the weight of the box in the pocket weighing heavy. He's been wanting to do this for a long time, but it's been difficult due to traveling. He honestly thought he would never find a good time but maybe...just maybe...now is a good time. They'd already placed their lock on the bridge and sealed it with a kiss.

As they walk out of Dan's trailer and head down the street towards the Eiffel Tower, Phil feels grateful that the paparazzi doesn't bother them much anymore. He guesses it is because they became old news when people figured out they weren't breaking up and they also weren't going to have a shotgun wedding like the Kardashians.

But Phil has welcomed the privacy. Sometimes they get bombarded but more often than not, the most they'll get is a few fan notices that ask for a photo and they'll happily give them one.

Phil's channel on YouTube took off not long after he quit the BBC and he's glad for that because he carried some heavy regret for a while that he did make a mistake quitting his stable job. But seeing everyone love his videos and love him and Dan together in such a domestic setting really helped them flourish and helped his channel gain nearly 20 million subscribers.

"It's a bit chilly out," Dan says, pulling the sides of his jacket over his torso in an attempt to keep a bit warm. "I hope that means not many people will be out."

"Listen to what you just said." Phil says with a smirk. "We're at the Eiffel Tower."

"Well, it could be dead." Dan insists with a tongue in cheek laugh.

Phil wraps his arm around Dan's waist and pulls his body close to his as they continue to make their way to the famous landmark.

Maybe it's totally cheesy and totally cliche. Maybe proposing to Dan in front of the Eiffel Tower is peak that, but he honestly doesn't see this moment as any other way. They take a small walkway into the park and they're suddenly standing in front of the landmark with everyone else around, also taking photos.

They go largely unnoticed and they find a nice bench under a tree where they sit down for a few moments and Phil puts his hand on Dan's thigh, just laying there as Dan covers his hand with his own and takes a deep breath.

Phil doesn't feel like they've had a moment to breath in the last 3 years if he's being honest. Dan has been so busy from awards shows to movie premieres to interviews, being on shows, and also working with various organizations and charities in the London and Los Angeles areas. Phil doesn't feel like they've had a moment like this where they could just sit down with one another and take a deep breath.

"This is beautiful here." Dan says. "Even if the grass is a bit yellow and dead."

Phil lets out a snort and a nod of agreement. But that's probably what they get for being in Paris in mid April.

"You want to know what's beautiful?" Phil says, reaching up and stroking his thumb on Dan's cheek.

Dan groans and rolls his eyes. "Don't get cheesy on me, Lester. It's gross."

"It's not gross." Phil counters. "I just love you and there is something about being in Paris with the love of my life that brings out my cheesy, cliche side."

"Mmm." Dan hums as he leans forward and connects their lips. "Me too."

"And I'd like to be a little bit more cliche." Phil says, his words catching a bit in his throat as the nerves kick in.

Dan furrows his brows and Phil slides off the bench under the walkway and down onto one knee and suddenly people are staring at them. Dan's eyes are wide and he's breathing quite heavy but Phil is took focused on reaching into his pocket and not dropping the ring.

He pulls out the box and opens it up as he begins to speak the whole spiel he'd had planned since he'd known he wanted to propose but he's stopped by Dan standing up and just nodding. "Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes!"

"You don't even know what I was asking?" Phil teases.

Dan lets out a watery laugh and Phil decides to say it.

"Will you marry me?"

Dan nods again and Phil stands up, wrapping Dan in the tightest hug as Dan cries into his shoulder and shakes. Phil feels himself tearing up as well as his arms roam over Dan's back.

Dan pulls back and looks down between them as Phil takes out the ring from its holder and places it gently on Dan's ring finger. It's a bit snug but Dan just laughs it off and says that they can adjust it back home.

They share a long kiss, just the two of them in front of the Eiffel Tower. Dan's ring glistens in the soft light of the sun and when he pulls back, Phil can't stop staring at it on his finger.

"Do you like it?"

"Do I like―Phil! This ring is everything!" Dan cries. "Oh my God, it's gorgeous! How did you find this?"

Phil thinks back about it. He remembers it so clearly.

They were filming a scene for Dan's movie in Milan, Italy and Phil was wandering around the city while Dan was busy for the day. He'd come across a little jewelry store and he'd decided to walk inside just to see what he could find. Just an hour later, he had placed an order for the most perfect ring that he'd ever seen with the owners promise to have it to him in London in just six weeks.

That was almost a year ago.

So maybe Phil had been waiting patiently for the perfect time and really, it had taken a long time to get to this point. But he's happy it happened now in the city of love with just the two of them.

"I want to post this on Instagram." Dan says with a laugh as he wipes his eyes with the backs of his fingers. "Do you mind?"

Phil shakes his head. "No. Of course not."

"Can you take a picture of me with the ring?" Dan asks. "I want to show it off."

Dan blushes and Phil just smiles as he gets out his phone and opens up his camera. He snaps a few photos and then Dan ushers him over and they snap a few photos with each other.

They posted a lot of photos together on Instagram but never like this.

Dan posted the photos with the caption, "Guess what just happened" with the ring emoji and Phil just smiled brightly as he wrapped his arms around Dan and held him close.

Life has been like a fast moving train these last few years but he cannot wait to settle down and marry the love of his life...even if it takes another three years. 

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