Chapter 2

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Daniel Howell.

He was walking with a black hoodie on, the hood up over his hair. Sunglasses were perched on his face, covering his eyes. He was being rushed inside by a set of guards around him. When they reached the door, Daniel stepped inside and pushed the hood down to reveal curly hair. He kept the sunglasses on though. Immediately people began to run for his side, surrounding him and asking him questions.

He was shuffled to one of the rooms that was guarded and he disappeared inside with the hoard of people following him.

"I didn't just imagine that, right?" PJ asked in a whisper as the woman began to show them to where they needed to be.


"That was actually Daniel Howell."


PJ blew out a breath and Phil just nodded. Because he really didn't want to admit it but he was a little bit star struck.

Even if he didn't get much of a look at him.

"So both of you are set to be the extras in this office right here. Literally all you have to do is when we announce we're filming, you'll sit in these two office chairs." She points to these two vacant seats around a table. "And you'll just talk with each other. You're honestly not going to really be in the movie. Just in the background."

She brought them to a separate that had a paper sign that said "Extra's lounge" on the outside. "In the meantime, can you fill out these simple forms giving us your consent for filming you? The BBC has done all of the other paperwork, but we just need a written signature from you both."

She handed a sheet of paper to them both and a couple of pens. "We'll call for you when you're ready but you both can just hang out here until then."

"Love that the BBC volunteered us to be extras and we're just going to be sitting here all day on our arses waiting for them."

Phil sighed and scrabbled his signature on the form, remembering what the BBC had emailed him the night before about this being a scheduled work day for him technically.

"I don't even recognize anyone here from our department." Phil says, looking around the room to see what looked like random people all on their laptops or cell phones.

"Gemma must be crushed right now." PJ says with a slight chuckle. "I mean, I feel bad that she's not here but at the same time, it's probably for the best. Especially with our little viewing of Daniel earlier."

"You got to see Daniel Howell?" A voice from the corner pipped up and Phil turned his attention to the male. "Where did you see him?"

"He was walking into the building." Pj says, nodding his head.

"Oh wow." The male says, sitting on the edge of the rolling chair he was poised in. "Do you think our scene will have him here?"

"I doubt it." Phil says, cutting the person off. "The woman who greeted us at the front door told us that we'd barely be in the movie. Just in the background."

"So the BBC is wasting our time by having us here?"

"Pretty much."

There was a collective sigh throughout the room and Phil sat back in the chair, pulling his phone out of his pocket. This was going to be a long day.

Phil unlocked his phone and went to Twitter. He was immediately greeted by the same Twitter moment that PJ had told him about before. The one with Daniel Howell being the front page story.

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