Chapter 5

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"Aren't you the least bit nervous?" PJ commented the next day as they walked with Spike in the local park near Phil's flat.

Dinner the night before had mostly consisted of both Sophie and PJ telling Phil about where he should take Dan around London and so he came up with a comprehensive list saved on his phone. But he still had many worries fueling his brain.

Like what if this was all a mistake? Daniel was a famous celebrities and surely he really didn't want some pleb like Phil taking him around London. But on top of that, won't people see them? Won't this cause some big news scene?

He didn't really want to do that.

There was a lot of weight on this line and he had to admit that it made him slightly nervous.

"No," Phil answers eventually, "I am. I'm incredibly nervous."

"Have you two messaged since last night?"

Phil shook his head. He hadn't even replied to Daniel last night after he had messaged him last night. He probably should have. He internally winced. Did he already fuck this all up because he didn't reply to him? He hoped not.

"You're over thinking already." PJ commented just as Spike tugged at his leash and Phil looked to see what the pup was doing. He just saw a squirrel and was hoping to chase it but he held the little guy back.

"Well, I didn't reply back to him. Do you think I could have messed his up already?"

Pj stopped on the path and turned to him, hands in his coat pocket. "You're really asking me this, Phil? Less than a week ago, you were telling Gemma off about fantasizing about the hunky lad and now look at you. You're head over heels for the bloke."

"I'm not head over heels for him."

Pj cocked his eyebrow. "Really? You're really saying that right now?"

Phil blushed and continued moving in the direction Spike was pulling him. "Well, he's seems not to be a bad guy."

"So you take back what you said before about him being pretentious and rude?"

Phil scoffed. "Well no. I don't even know him yet."

"But you know he's not, though? Or else he wouldn't have already slid into your dm's."

"He didn't slide into my dm's." Phil laughed. "He just messaged me asking for a favor."

"Oh, and I'm sure that's what Nick Jonas did with Priyanka Chopra as well."

"Shut up." Phil laughed, hitting PJ gently on the side. "This is all a bit ridiculous, isn't it? Like this feels like we've entered an alternate timeline―a whole new dimension."

"Maybe we did." PJ commented with a shrug. "But Spike over there is doing his business and I'm sure that we can't launch that into another dimension."

Phil rolled his eyes and walked over to Spike, pulling the bags out of his pocket.

Maybe they did fall into a wormhole and enter a new timeline. It sure did feel like it.

He, PJ, and Spike all left the park a short time later. PJ said he was heading back to his flat for the afternoon to work on a BBC assignment he was behind on and Phil figured he might as well get a jumpstart on his next one as well. The BBC had made it clear in yet another email this morning that Phil was not off the hook despite having to reappear to the building.

When he got back to his flat, he let Spike off from his leash and allowed for him to run off to his bed to sleep. He then set down with his laptop on his couch and opened up Illustrator to begin his next assignment. He was to create a new promo poster for the BBC radio one show and since he particularly liked that show, he really wanted to put time into it.

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