Chapter 20

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This party felt a bit different than the one that was at Dan's house just a few nights before. This one felt a bit more intimate and if Phil was being honest, that made it that much scarier to him.

He felt completely out place and like there was nowhere for him to hide. At Dan's party, there had been so many people that it didn't make a difference if he tried to push through the crowds of people and move on to a different area. But right now, he was stuck in the middle of a conversation at Dan's side at a pub table that was dressed up way too fancy...Phil was sure that there were Swarovski crystals lining the outside. He was afraid to so much as leave a finger print on them.

Dan looked right in his element though and maybe that was what made Phil a tad bit more scared that he should have been. Dan looked so comfortable and poised and here was Phil, stood with his elbows on the edge of the pearl white table cloth and a half-drunk glass of Champagne stood in-between his hands.

Dan had introduced him to these people who he was speaking to but Phil can't bothered to actually remember what Dan said about them. All he knew is that Dan knew them from his movie and that's all.

"...Phil lives in London."

Phil picked his head up and looked at Dan.

"Oh really? Which area?"

"I'm not sure," Dan said, turning his head towards Phil. "Which area is it?"

Phil looked at the brunette who was currently stood on the other side of the table, her arms folded elegantly on the edge as her bracelets draped her forearms. "Victoria."

"Oh, Victoria!" She cooed in a way that made Phil want to roll his eyes. He actually doubted she knew where Victoria was. He wasn't trying to be brash about it, to be fair, he wasn't sure many people even knew London was broken up that way it was. He didn't until he looked for flats.

"It quite cute." Dan commented. "His flat is near a beautiful park. And he also has the cutest puppy ever."

Phil was quite in shock. Had Dan been speaking so openly to this other person about him and he was just not paying any attention to notice? Or was Dan really just playing up the 'we're friends' card? Phil wasn't quite sure anymore.

"Puppy?" She said. "Do you have photos? I'd love to see it."

"Oh course I have photos, Mimei."

Phil suddenly felt his stomach drop out of his ass. Was he really not paying that much attention to anything around him to know that this was Mimei Lake? She had a different hair color from the blonde locks she had in the attached photo from the email a couple months ago. Now it was a natural red color that reminded him of his own―but maybe her's was a bit lighter.

Phil watched as Dan pulled out his phone and put it on the table as he turned it around and showed her all of the photos of Spike he must have taken when he was in London. Phil watched as Dan scrolled through the photos but he didn't recognize any of them. Nor did he know Dan had taken so many selfies with his pup.

"What's his name?"

"Spike." Dan and Phil both answered at the same time, causing Mimei to laugh.

"Where did the name come from?" She asked. "Because that sounds like the name of a ferocious beast but he looks to be the cuddliest creature alive."

"It's from a character on one of my favorite TV shows Buffy."

Phil watched as Mimei's eyes lit up. "Buffy? Oh my gosh, I loved Buffy as a teen! Sarah Michelle Gellar was my idol!"

"I used to have the biggest crush on her." Phi admitted with a chuckle. Dan laughed to himself next to him. "My mum used to find it weird how I had her photos hanging on the walls of my room."

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