Chapter 28

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They're all sat on Phil's couch, bleary-eyed and yawning. PJ has been dozing off for the last hour and Phil has just let him go. Martyn came by a few hours before that, yelling at Phil about how stupid he was for ignoring calls and how worried he had their mum but Phil just explained to him the entire situation and Martyn warmed up. He eventually took a seat on the sofa with them and that was where he currently was.

Phil was exhausted and fighting to stay awake. But he told Dan he would watch Jimmy Fallon tonight with him on it and it was about to start in another ten minutes. He could do this. He's been seeing commercials all night for Dan's appearance on Jimmy Fallon along with some other musicians that Phil didn't bother to pay any attention to.

His nerves were running thin and his heart was beating so fast that he thought he might actually pass out. He figures that it's either from the lack of sleep he's gotten tonight―or really over the last few days―and the anticipation of what Dan was going to do or say tonight.

Suddenly, the show begins and Phil holds his breath as he watches along with Martyn, who is eating some stale popcorn they made earlier, and PJ who is sleeping on the couch. He waits for Jimmy to say what he needs to―Phil's never actually made an effort to watch him before.

They watch in silence as Jimmy does his opening monologue and then finishes it up and there is already a commercial break. Phil feels like he's going mad. He wants to see Dan so badly and he wants to see what Dan is going to say.

The commercials are average American ones and he finds himself feeling on edge as he wraps his fingers on his thigh from wanting to fast forward even though he can't. Maybe this is why he never watches cable TV.

"You're going to put a hole through your pants." Martyn says, pointing to his fingers.

"I just wish the show didn't have so many commercials." Phil mumbles, not breaking eye-contact away from his television.

"Maybe we should just record the rest of this and wait until tomorrow to watch it. It's clear you're going mental."

"We've made it this far." Phil says, just as Jimmy comes back on and this time, he's sitting at his table. "I'm not going to stop watching."

"I might fall asleep." Martyn says with a hint of a smile on his lips.

Phil turns his head briefly and smiles before turning back and watching whatever Jimmy has to say.

He's going on and on about President Trump, but not in an overtly political way. And then he's talking about his son and Phil finds that to be really wholesome. But before long, Jimmy says that after the next break, Daniel Howell will be on to discuss his new movie.

During this commercial break, Phil doesn't sit still. He gets up and paces a bit around his flat before he goes into the kitchen and grabs a can of diet coke from his fridge and opens it, taking a long sip. The acidity burns his throat but he welcomes it.

He makes his way back into his living room where now both Martyn and PJ are sleeping on the couch on different sides and he snickers as he pushes himself into the middle and watches.

When Dan walks out, Phil feels all of the breath leave his body. Dan is wearing some nice black and white striped shirt and a pair of very nice black trousers. His hair is perfectly styled and any hint of the crying he did earlier on the phone was completely gone behind layers of make up. But he looked beautiful and Phil could actually cry seeing him.

"Thank you for joining us!" Jimmy says to him. "We hear that you just finished your new film so can you tell us a bit about it?"

Dan nods and flashes a blinding smile. "My pleasure. I just got done with filming my next film with Mimei Lake called This is Life and it's about a young male, who I play, moving to New York City to find himself and he begins to work for a fashion magazine and he falls in love with the CEO who is played by Mimei Lake and I won't spoil the rest."

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