Chapter 9

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Phil found himself pacing the floors of his flat at 2:30am, waiting for Dan to arrive. Dan had texted him about a half an hour ago to let him know that his flight was descending into London and he had word that his ride was waiting for him already.

He was nervous and he was scared for Dan. He already knew who anxious Dan was as he voiced his worries to him just the night before on Skype. But Phil knew that this time would make it easier for Dan to escape the paparazzi and the fangirls. He wouldn't even probably see anyone in the airport besides a few stragglers.

His phone began to ring and he jumped, his nerves shooting through his body as he rushed to pick it up from his couch cushion. Dan had just texted him that he was here.

Dan was here. He was actually here.

And Phil has to now let him into the building!

He rushed over to the doorway and slipped on a pair of his slippers and then rushed out his flat with his keys in hand. He walked down the small hallway to the main door and looked out to see Dan stood there outside of the doorway, his hood up and a pair of sunglasses on as his hand remained poised on his suitcase.

Phil opened the door and flashed him a smile. "Hey! You made it?"

Dan's face lights up and he reaches up, removing his glasses. "I did! Didn't even see a fan or a camera either. Now let me in before someone does see us."

Phil quickly moved out of the way and Dan rushed inside the doorway, lugging his black suitcase with him. He was only going to be here for two days, but it looked like he packed for a month.

They made it to Phil's doorway, and he quickly unlocked it and let Dan inside first. Dan only took a few steps inside and suddenly, the sounds of yipping and some feet startled them both as Spike ripped through the flat to see the new intruder.

Dan's face instantly melted and he bent down, running his hands through Spike's fur. "Oh my! Who are you?"

"That's my puppy Spike." Phil says, shutting the door so his neighbors don't complain about Spike's excited yips.

"Oh! Such a good boy!" Dan exclaimed, ruffling Spike's fur and playing around with him a little bit. "He's such an energetic little boy. I wish I had his energy."

"Oh same!"

Phil doesn't know why he's feeling so awkward. He shouldn't be. He's spoken with Dan every day for the last week over Skype. This should be fine. They're friends now.

"Where is your bathroom?"

Phil suddenly snaps out of his thoughts and looks at Dan who is now stood up straighter and waiting for an answer.

"Oh! It's right now that way," Phil says as he points down the short hallway to his bedroom. "It'll be the middle door. If you go into the door on the left, it'll take you out to my patio and if you take the door to the right, you'll go to my bedroom."

Dan lifts an eyebrow and Phil doesn't know what that means but he feels like the smirk on Dan's lips go along with it. Dan doesn't say anything more, he just walks off down the hallway and Phil is left stood there, watching him move.

There is something so graceful about the way he moves his body. His hips move so fluidly and his shoulders stand tall, and straight. It's eye-catching, that's for sure. Waiting for Dan to come back out, Phil begins to get the couch ready for him.

They hadn't discussed where Dan would be sleeping, but Phil assumed it was going to be the couch anyway. He doesn't have a guest bedroom.

Dan comes out a few moments later, his sweatshirt taken off and carried in his arms as he walks back into the living room. "So I began to get the couch ready for you." Phil says. "It doesn't fold out into a bed but it's kind of wide so..."

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