Chapter 1

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"Dear Workers, The BBC Studio will be closed for the next week to accommodate the filming of a new featured film starring Daniel Howell and Mimei Lake. During this time, you will have to work from home on any projects you may be in the middle of. A select few of you will be asked to work on the set as extras for the film. We'll email those we selected by the end of tomorrow.

Hope this isn't a hassle and apologies for any inconveniences.



"Did you read the new email?" Phil turned his head to his friend PJ sitting next to him in their office. "They're actually closing down the whole building just to film a few scenes for one movie."

Phil, coffee in hand and his laptop open to said same email, sighed. "It's a Daniel Howell movie. Of course they're shutting down the entire building."

PJ rolled his eyes. Everyone knew of Daniel Howell. He was only the biggest actor in Hollywood right now. But that didn't mean that everyone shared in on the fangirling when it came to his name being mentioned. "The BBC is gonna be untouchable all next week. I don't even wanna know how many girls and guys are going to flock here to meet him."

"He doesn't do photos and autographs though?" Phil brought up, setting his mug on the table and shutting his laptop down. His work was nearly done anyway for the day.

"Still never stops the fans." PJ says, tipping his head. "He'll mention he's in London on his Instagram or Twitter and then it'll be over."

Phil nodded. Yeah, that sounds pretty much correct. "Fair enough."

"Who do you think they selected to work on set?" PJ asked. "I reckon they chose some of the interns because that they don't have to pay them."

"I hope it's not me." Phil says immediately. "God, the less I have to be here during this time, the better."

"It's gonna be impossible to even get here." PJ adds. "They're gonna block off all of the streets to accommodate Daniel's massive trailer that he lugs everywhere."

"I don't even want to imagine." Phil says. "I'd much rather just stay in my flat with Spike and work on my laptop."

PJ nodded in agreement.

Just as PJ began to speak again, the door to their office opened and their coworker Gemma walked in, her expression giddy and a smile plastered on her lips. "Did you two see the email?"

Both PJ and Phil nodded.

"How are you both not more excited about this?" Gemma exclaimed. "Daniel freaking Howell is gonna be walking around our building! He could sit in your chair right now. Or use my office as a set. Or―"

"He's just another person." Phil interrupted her.

"But he's not though!" Gemma shot back with a smile. "Oh, you two don't get it." She waved her hand and walked further into the office. She pulled out a chair at the desk next to Phil and plopped down.

"There isn't much to get." PJ countered. "He's just a bloke who happens to be good looking and also a major celebrity."

"So you do get it!" Gemma pointed out. "I really hope I'm one of the ones corporate selected to work on set as an extra. I would give anything to stand in the same room as Daniel Howell."

"They're probably just going to choose interns." Phil says. "I doubt they'll choose any of their paid employees."

"I wonder if I email corporate if they'll bump my name on the list and I can do it."

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