Chapter 7

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Phil arrived to the BBC the next day for his normal work schedule. He managed to get his assignment done for the BBC radio one and he had sent it in the night before after sleeping off his anger at the day.

He got to his office with a sticky note on his desk to go to his boss as soon as he arrived to pick up his next assignment. So he sighed, put his stuff down, and headed off to see his boss.

He didn't get to see his boss often, namely because he never had any problems arise where he particularly needed to see her. Her name was Louise and all her knew about her was that she was a blonde who died the tips of her hair funky colors.

He made it to her door and knocked twice before a "Come in" rang out and Phil pushed down the door handle.

Louise was sat at her desk, her hair put half up and a blazer buttoned tight around her waist. She was scribbling something onto a pad of paper but Phil just quickly took a seat and waited.

"Oh, hi, Philip." Oh right. He'd forgotten. She called him Philip.

He cringed internally.

"We have a few options for your next assignment and if you give me two minutes I can print them off and give them to you to read over. One is for next weeks episode of the BBC London Podcast and the other is that we need a new snazzy looking logo to go with the BBC Radio website."

Louise tapped away at her keyboard and Phil waited patiently. Somewhere in the distance, Louise's printer whirled and she stood up, walking over to it, and picking up the papers.

She flipped through each paper and then handed them to Phil to look over. "Just so you know, you can choose any one of the assignments but the one for the BBC website is a little bit more in demand."

Phil looked at both of the pages and decides he'd rather do the BBC website first anyway since it'll take up less of his time. "I think I'll work on the BBC website this afternoon and then begin the one for the podcast as soon as I'm done."

Louise smiled. "Have fun."

Phil just gave her a cut nod and grabbed his papers as he walked out of her office and down the hall back to his own. PJ was just setting up his desk with todays work when Phil walked through the doorway.

"The tube this morning was worse than usual." PJ griped as he undid his scarf from around his neck and drooped it off the back of his chair. "I swear there was no standing room and no one knew how to let someone on. Missed two trains and had to wait for the third."

Phil stifled by a chuckle. "Should have taken a taxi at that rate, mate."

"And pay 30 quid?" PJ laughs. "No thanks. I'll be late."

Phil laughed to himself and plopped into his desk chair, ignoring how it creaked because it was slightly old and way too overused. He opened his laptop and opened up Illustrator as he prepared to begin the new logo.

He was already into gradient coloring a circle when PJ interrupted him. "How did yesterday with Dan go?"

Phil felt his shoulders tense and he looked up from his laptop, his teeth unintentionally grinding together. "It didn't."

PJ adjusted his glasses on the edge of the nose and then looks at Phil with furrowed brows. "What do you mean?"

Phil shook his head and reached up, pinching the bridge of his nose. "We met up like planned and I took him to the eye. He was very nice and kind and I really enjoyed the little time we spent together. But then when we got off, the paparazzi and a bunch of teens and adults were waiting for us and he asked to go back to the hotel."

PJ spun in his chair and took off his glasses. "Wait, what happened?"

"Exactly what I just said." Phil commented, feeling his stomach begin to knot.

PJ opened and closed his mouth softly before he remained silent. He looked between the floor and Phil. "Did...did he just like...not want to be around you anymore? I don't get it."

"No, Peej...nothing like that." Phil says, his voice softer than before. "Dan was very overwhelmed and I think he just needed to be alone." PJ nodded once and then gave him a soft smile. "But he texted me after and I think it'll be okay."

PJ began to speak again when the sound of footsteps behind them grew louder and Phil turned. He sighed quite loudly when he saw Gemma walking their way, her heels someone still sounding loud on the carpeted floors.

"Phil Lester!" Gemma called out as he approached his desk and yanked an empty chair up to the side. She fell into it and settled at his desk. "What did you have to do to get a Daniel Howell follow and why didn't I know about it?"

Phil rolled his eyes and sat back. "It's nothing."

"It's not nothing, Phil!" Gemma pushed. "Daniel Howell followed you and I want to know how you managed that."

Phil shrugged. "We met on set."

"On set?!" Gemma exclaimed. "Oh why couldn't I have been on set and maybe I would have gotten one."

"Hey!" PJ called from the side. "I didn't get a Dan follow and I was on set."

Gemma looked at Phil with big eyes. "How did you manage to get one then, Phil? Spill your secrets."

"We talked, he asked for my Twitter and Instagram and I gave it to him."

"He just asked for that?" Gemma asked, her voice incredulous. "You're acting like this isn't a big deal. Phil, you got a Daniel Howell follow."

"It's really not." Phil said back. "There's nothing to really even say about it. Dan's a nice guy."

Gemma sat back. "Have you been speaking with him?"

"A little bit."

Gemma's eyes bugged out of her head. "A little bit? How is this not a big deal, Phil! You're talking to a literal celebrity."

"It's not a big deal." Phil reiterated. "It's not a big deal because it's just Dan. He's a normal guy."

'Wow, you're getting a little aggressive, don't you think?"

Gemma cut off her words before shooting him a side ways glance. Phil let's out a breath and looks up just in time to see PJ staring at him with a look of what are you doing?

Frankly, Phil doesn't know what he's doing anymore when it comes to Dan.

All he knows is that Dan's been messaging him since Tuesday and everything seemed to be better. But Dan was returning back to the USA to finish filming as they speak on his fancy private jet. According to Dan, he wasn't even a fan of a private jet but everyone told him how it was essential for travel.

He feels like it's stupid but Phil honestly would kill for a ride in Dan's private jet with him.

Phil shakes his head and looks back at Gemma with a sympathetic look. "I'm sorry. I've had a long few days. I know it's not an excuse to be a dick but―"

She flashed him a wide toothed smile and stood up from the chair she was sat in, brushing down her dress back to laying flat against her thighs. 'That's okay, Phil. I understand it. We all have those weeks."

She flashed another quick smile at him and then left the office, her heels still managing to make a noise against the carpet. Phil turned his attention back to his laptop and saw a new message on his Instagram...that he wouldn't admit that he had open just in case Dan messaged him. And this time, he did.

It read:

danielhowell: what's your number? Texting will work better for me when I'm in the states.

He doesn't even realize he's reacting to it until PJ scoffs. "What did Mr. Howell send you now?"

"He wants my number."

PJ cocked and eyebrow. "Really moving fast, don't you think?" He joked.

Phil laughed and finished typing out his number to Dan. "Dan's a nice guy."

And really, that's the complete truth. 

I Want It, I Got ItNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ