Chapter 17

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A/n: If you follow me on my Tumblr, you'll know that I did say a new chapter every Sunday and no longer one on Wednesday (which does still stand) but I got really into writing this and busted out two chapters so here is one a little bit early! 

For a split second, Phil thought that maybe this idea wasn't the smartest. It wasn't exactly the most fool proof and he was sure that something bad was bound to happen. For one: he had no idea what it even meant to arrive at an airport and have a private jet waiting for him.

That in itself was quite overwhelming.

For two: he had no idea how it even went to ride on a private jet. All he knew was that Dan's bodyguard and a few other people who neglected to introduce themselves were also on the same plane and he felt a bit...out of place. Especially so with his Adidas bag as his 'carry on' luggage.

His brother Martyn was watching Spike for the week and Phil had dropped him off before running to the airport after being stuck in traffic. Dan had reassured him that the plane would not leave without him―contrary to every other commercial plane. But Phil still felt like he had to rush to get there.

But it was an entirely different feeling stepping off from the plane and being in sunny Los Angeles with the warmth kissing his skin. He's escorted away to a private car by Joshua which should feel weird but Phil honestly finds it comforting knowing he had Dan's bodyguard to protect him from any weird paparazzi or people.

Phil gets into the back of the car and relaxes into the seat as the driver pulls away. He opens his phone and sends a text to Dan saying that he was here and on his way to his house...his house. Man, Phil didn't quite know what to expect knowing he was about to see Dan's house. Should he be nervous? Should he be excited? What is the proper reaction to seeing someone famous's house for the first time?

Nothing is said by anyone in the car the entire time they're driving. If Phil wasn't so overwhelmed by the entire ordeal, he might have used some of his abilities to start small talk with the driver but instead, he's left speechless.

It doesn't take long for them to get to where they need to be and soon, Phil feels his breath leave his body as he gets to see what Los Angeles is beginning to look like―minus the heavy traffic that was currently holding them up.

He took some photos for himself to keep as a memory and he added a snapshot to his Instastory so that way he could brag to his friends back home where he was. He knew that they would all be waiting and watching over social media for anything that he may say or post.

Not to mention, he's sure his name is going to be on some news sites by the end of the evening anyway. He can imagine it now. DAN HOWELL'S NEW BEAU ARRIVES IN LOS ANGELES or something like that. He feels a bit exasperated even at the thought of it.

They crest up a steep hill and suddenly, they're heading towards bigger and bigger mansions and Phil feels his heart stop a bit in his throat. He knew that Dan's popularity and celebrity status would obviously mean that he would have a massive house but he was sure that the house they just passed was one of the Kardashian's.

"Excuse me..." Phil found his voice ringing out in the dead silence of the car. The driver turned his head slightly in recognition of Phil getting his attention. "Where are we?"

"The Hollywood Hills." The driver answers calmly.

"Dan's house is up here?"

The driver nods. "Mr. Howell's house is right up here. Just have to turn here and ring through the gate."

Phil sat back and watched as the driver took a right turn and suddenly was confronted by a gate with a code on the side. The driver put in the code and the gates shuddered before they began to open slowly, allowing for the driver to pass through.

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