Chapter 27

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Phil misses work the next few days and he doesn't bother to tell anyone else why. Martyn tries to come and visit him but when Martyn rings his doorbell, Phil pretends he isn't home and just lays on the couch. Spike whimpers a bit and tries to scratch at the door but because Martyn doesn't have his key anymore to the flat, he can't come in.

Martyn texts him later that day and asks him where he went and Phil just said he needed to go for a breather. It was all he's said to anyone since his last Skype call with Dan.

He was hurt, deeply so. His heart felt shattered and his brain like mush. He wasn't even sure if he could move past any of this. In the four short months that he's grown to know who Dan was, nothing has felt like this.

He's been through break ups. He's been through bad relationships. But no break up has hurt as bad as Dan telling him that he thinks they should take a break. What happened to Dan promising him that they wouldn't give up on each other and he made the promise back? Did the promise fall on deaf ears? Did Dan not really mean anything that he said?

Phil doesn't want to believe that's the case.

Per Dan's request, he hasn't tried to get ahold of him. He also took the initiative to delete his social media apps off from his phone so that way he wouldn't be tempted to check Dan's Twitter or Instagram and see how he's doing. The news has been quiet lately, not mentioning Dan's name. And Phil guesses that he's grateful for that. But in a selfish way, he wishes that some entertainment news site would talk about Dan so he could know what Dan was doing.

It's four days later when Phil decides that he needs to actually do something. He needs to get off his arse and actually start living again. He's sat in his flat, wallowing in his own misery and barely showering. Even Spike has begun to find it a bit weird that Phil hasn't taken him for a proper walk to the park. He can tell by Spike's anxious prancing around the flat.

He showers that morning, dresses in a pair of his black jeans and his black shirt with the word vibes on it to add a bit of color to his dark mind. He puts in contacts instead of wearing his glasses and he styles his hair. Already, just by doing that, he feels a bit better.

But instead of going out, he sets up behind a camera and puts some lights on him and he just sits down and takes a breath. He needs to do this. Even if he never posts the video, he needs to just let everything go.

And he's going to.

"Hey everyone." He begins, voice wavering a bit. "Today, I'm making a video not as amazingphil but as Phil Lester. There is a lot I need to get off from my chest because of recent events and this is me doing so. In January of this year, I met Daniel Howell on the set of the new film he was working on. As some of you know, I work for the BBC as a graphic designer and I often am working in the offices doing advertising and posters and websites. But enough of that. I met Dan when I was told I was going to be an extra on the set of the film. I thought it was stupid. I was and at the BBC for bringing me in on what would be my day off to film as some extra in some big pretentious movie stars film. But that actually wasn't it at all. I met Dan on the set and my life completely changed."

Phil took a breath and then let it out slowly as he tried to find his composure again.

"Dan and I exchanged numbers and he asked me to do a favor for him by showing him around London. I thought really nothing of it. He was asking as if he was a friend and I'm not someone to turn down a friends request. So I went around with him in London then the paparazzi flooded us at the eye and that was when everyone saw us for the first time. At that time in our lives, we were just budding friends. We were nothing more."

Phil looked up his ceiling in an attempt to ground himself. He couldn't believe he was telling all of this right now to a camera but it also felt so good to just spew all of this out when he's had to hide it for so long.

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